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An Update on the Gyres: Is There Hope for the World’s Oceans?

An Update on the Gyres: Is There Hope for the World’s Oceans?

Cleaning Up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The world’s oceans are in trouble. They’re dumping grounds for literally tens of thousands of tons of plastic garbage that now float in them, upsetting the ecosystem and hurting, maiming and killing the fish and other creatures who live there.

This fascinating yet frightening infographic explains how these floating garbage patches are formed and their widespread impact.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Consider sharing this graphic with older children to help them understand how their actions can help prevent the problem of plastic pollution from getting even worse.

There’s Always Hope

23-year-old Boyan Slat and team are preparing to launch the Ocean Cleanup Project later this summer. This project is designed to remove 50% of the world’s largest garbage patch in just five years!

comment_2Learn what others are doing to help tackle this problem and bring hope to the world. What can you do? We’d love to hear your thoughts; just drop us a line in the comments below!


Is there hope for the world’s oceans?

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Carrie Minturn
Carrie Minturn
6 years ago

This is so encouraging!! My sons will be thrilled…they love the ocean and know how bad this problem is.

Tanya Aoyagi
Tanya Aoyagi
6 years ago

I believe there is hope every time someone chooses to make a change. Switching plastic bags for reusable, saying no to a straw, carrying a stainless steel water bottle & reusable coffee travel mug, picking up litter in the park–these actions ALL make a difference and lead to more and bigger changes as people see what we do!

Trina Greer
Trina Greer
5 years ago

love this idea and the hope it brings!!