Welcome to the Norwex Movement

What is the Norwex Movement


The Norwex Movement Explained

The Norwex Movement is people from all walks of life, all over the globe, coming together to create a more sustainable, chemical-free environment for our families and our planet. By making small, conscious choices, collectively we can improve our planet—and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. Our goals include:

  • Advocating for stronger and stricter laws worldwide regarding chemicals and testing them for safety before consumers use them.
  • Raising awareness and education about chemicals and our environmental challenges.
  • Working to build awareness about our use of plastic and the dangers of plastic in the environment.
  • Evaluating your personal impact on the environment and determining ways we can reduce our footprint on the planet and leave it in even better shape that we found it.
  • Asking everyone to make small, conscious choices to improve our planet.

This website, www.NorwexMovement.com, is part of the Norwex Movement. The Norwex Movement exists to help people everywhere create safer havens in their homes by raising awareness about planetary issues that affect us all. The goal of the Norwex Movement is to help you learn about the negative effects of chemicals in our bodies and on our planet, and provide you with the information you need to protect your family.

Here on our Norwex Movement site, you’ll discover:

  1. Our Green Blog by Chief Brand and Mission Officer Amy Cadora
  2. Resources to use for your own research
  3. Tools to measure your own environmental impact
  4. Upcoming events promoting global awareness

Thank you for visiting! We encourage you to check back often and stay involved.

About Norwex

Norwex is a company with a mission to improve quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our homes. Our environmentally friendly products are sold in nine markets on three continents by a growing network of Consultants focused on the health of their families as well as leaving a lasting legacy for the next generation. To learn more, we invite you to visit About Norwex today.