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Nora Makes Her Big Splash at the U.N.’s Ocean Conference!

Nora Makes a Splash at UN Ocean Conference

Who’s made of marine debris and recently attended the United Nations’ Ocean Conference?

The Ocean Conference LogoNora, the Leaping Salmon, that’s who! Earlier this week our vey own Nora made her special guest appearance in New York City at the United Nations Ocean Conference 2017!

Angela Haseltine Pozzi, Lead Artist and Executive Director of The Washed Ashore Project, delivered a message of hope at the four-day conference. Every little action adds up, and together we can help improve the health of our ocean.

Washed Ashore Project Logo

The Washed Ashore Project creates powerful art that captivates all ages and teaches environmental conservation and sustainability. The Washed Ashore Traveling Exhibits feature beautifully designed and well-crafted giant sea life sculptures made entirely of marine debris collected from beaches to graphically illustrate the tragedy of plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways and to encourage conservation.

Wishes you a happy

World Oceans Day

June 8th

comment_2Have you had a chance to see Nora in person? We’d love to hear from you! Just leave a comment below.


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Sandra Shove
Sandra Shove
7 years ago

I helped work on Nora during 2016 Leadership Conference in Dallas. At the time, I knew it was special; however, I had NO IDEA how PROUD it would make me feel, knowing that my hour-and-a-half would have the potential to influence so many thousands of people.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sandra Shove

Sandra, thanks so much for your role in the creation of Nora! We are all so very proud of her ad the impact she is making!

Angie Scott
Angie Scott
7 years ago

Yes, it was presented at National Conference last summer (there’s another reason to go, folks – so many reveals!)…

Karen Codrington
Karen Codrington
7 years ago

YES! Please send Nora for a visit to Australia.

Amy Hepfner
Amy Hepfner
7 years ago

Norwex Movement needs to check out 4Ocean.com. They are another group who is trying to clean up the oceans of deadly plastics. The group was started by 2 surfers who were sickened by the plastic pollution in the waters they loved to surf.

Heather Wiese
Heather Wiese
6 years ago

I’m curious to know how the sculptures will be recycled.

Jennifer Rottman
Jennifer Rottman
6 years ago

I have not seen Nora in person, but would love to make a vacation for the kids to visit

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

I really want to see Nora! That is so cool!