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First Norwex Seabin Hard at Work in Malta


Seabin Adventure in Malta Kicks Off at Birgu Marina

Our Norwex office in Malta is placing ten Seabins around that island country to help address growing concerns about harmful chemicals, plastic pollution and environmental issues.


What Is a Seabin?

This award-winning floating rubbish bin is strategically positioned in “debris problem areas” like marinas, docks, yacht clubs and commercial ports to collect surface rubbish and oils polluting the water. Depending on weather and debris volumes, the Seabin can catch an estimated 1.4 tons of floating debris per year, including microplastics down to 2 millimeters in size.

To learn more about Seabins and what they can do, see our recent blog, Norwex Partners with Seabin for Cleaner Oceans.

Follow our Seabin adventure in Malta at #SeabinMalta to stay informed.

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4 years ago

This is awesome. Having visited Malta this year it makes this kind of neat that I know exactly where this is. Great project.

Starla Wideman
Starla Wideman
4 years ago

This is so exciting! I can’t wait to see the benefits of these Seabins! This has become more of just a love for products for me and more of a mission to share what we can do to preserve our earth and our health.

Mandy McFarland
Mandy McFarland
4 years ago

Brilliant to see Norwex doing so much great work to combat such an awful problem in our oceans .Good luck Malta with NORWEX SEABINS exciting news

Colin Richardson
Colin Richardson
4 years ago

I like to see credit where it is due. Kudos to Norwex for getting this going. But it is a pity there is no mention of the 2 Australian surfers who invented the Seabin – Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski. One gets the impression Norwex made it.

4 years ago

Colin, thank you so much for making the point that the Seabin was indeed invented by Australians Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski. To learn more, check out this 2015 article from mic.com: https://www.mic.com/articles/131298/surfers-andrew-turton-and-pete-ceglinski-invent-seabin-trash-can-that-sucks-up-ocean-garbage

4 years ago

Wow, so great! Aussie Aussie Aussie!!

Judy Nannen
Judy Nannen
4 years ago

What a great idea. This is wonderful news and I can’t wait to share with the world

4 years ago

What a wonderful, innovative invention. We just need to cut down on. Plastic use and convince other countries to do the same. Congratulations to you and another collector of ocean debris, 4Oceans!

Melissa Connor
Melissa Connor
4 years ago

Great work! Now to implement them in every country!!

4 years ago

So proud to be a part of this! It takes companies like this to make changes and help our oceans rid of this garbage!

Diane Funk
Diane Funk
4 years ago

Very impressed with these Seabins and all the work that the Norwex company does for our environment. Love this company and all the products that i use. Thank you Norwex.

4 years ago


Jennifer Cygan
Jennifer Cygan
4 years ago

It is exciting to see solutions for the trash in our oceans, and I’m proud that Norwex is part of it!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer Cygan

Thanks for your comment, Jennifer. We’re proud to be a part of it too!

Tanda Nugteren
Tanda Nugteren
4 years ago

I didn’t know Norwex was doing this. This is amazing and I shared this blog to my Facebook page.

Linda Watson
Linda Watson
4 years ago

I’m so very proud to represent a company that works so hard to be part of the solution!! I love that Norwex is partnering with the Seabin Project for Cleaner Oceans and with Washed Ashore. Rather than focusing on the negative, Norwex forges ahead with the positive! LOVE IT!!

Sandy Swift
Sandy Swift
4 years ago

That is a great initiative.Let’s get some more out there to help make a difference.

Arlette Makcen
Arlette Makcen
4 years ago

That’s awesome!!! Hi Norwex!!

Kathy Shuman
Kathy Shuman
4 years ago

I love the idea of cleaning up our environment for ourselves and handing down a healthier planet for generations to come!

Karen Adam
Karen Adam
4 years ago

This is exciting news! I am totally going to be sharing this news with my family, friends, and customers! This makes me so proud to be a consultant with Norwex. I hope there will be more Seabins placed strategically in other areas around the world by Norwex soon!

4 years ago

I am so happy I started selling Norwex over twenty years ago in Canada and have keep my home chemical free. What you are doing for the oceans is wonderful. Keep up the great work.

4 years ago
Reply to  Myrna

Thank you so much, Myrna! We are so glad that you are a part of the Norwex Family!

Christine Haibach
Christine Haibach
4 years ago

A customer of mine would like to know…(and so do I) Once it is collected, where is it taken? How is it processed?

4 years ago

Christine, thank you for your great question. According to the manufacturer’s (Seabin’s) website: “Each V5 Seabin client has its own waste service provider and its own management plan. We encourage our V5 Seabin clients to diligently recycle what plastics they can. In the near future we aim to offer recycling services for the Seabin marine litter and ensure it is recycled where possible. We are very fond of the concept of circular economy and we would like to have as much of the waste collected by the Seabins valorized and reintroduced into the economy. The more plastic, and other material are reintroduced into the economy, the less goes to landfill, incineration, or in the environment. We need to rethink the design of our goods.” That said, we also reached out to determine the final destination of the debris collected specifically by our Norwex Seabins in Malta. Norwex Global Chief Operating Officer Timothy Zrinzo said, “Currently, once the waste is collected from the Seabins it is sent to the facilities at Wasteserv (https://www.wasteservmalta.com/) according to its designation. Wasteserv is the company… Read more »

Deanna Hofmeister
Deanna Hofmeister
4 years ago

Exciting news!

Mila Lemay
Mila Lemay
2 years ago

I wish we could have even more sea bins!