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Norwex Employee Resolutions: A Fun Look Back!

Norwex Employees Share Their New Year's Resolutions

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

Whether you’re running a marathon or reinventing yourself, reading 50 books or losing 30 kilograms (66 pounds), resolutions help make us better! And while we may not always accomplish exactly everything we aim for, it’s still good to have a goal.

Watch this fun video of some of our worldwide family of Norwex employees as they reminisce about their 2016 New Year’s resolutions and share some of the incredible things they accomplished this year—or tried to, anyway.


According to research, people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.

comment_2Now we want to hear from you, Movement members! Did you make a New Year’s resolution in 2016? Did you keep it? Do you have one for 2017? Sometimes just writing it down gives you that push to get started! So drop us a line and share it it below—and good luck in the New Year!


Do you make New Year's Resolutions?

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Caitlan Powers
Caitlan Powers
7 years ago

Let’s see. For 2017, I would like to make healthier decisions, learn a new language, and have at least 1 Norwex party a month (outside my home)! Here is to a progressive new year!

Kristie Zemlicka
Kristie Zemlicka
7 years ago

Ok, I’m going to make an explicit resolution right here, right now. I resolve to wipe down my bathroom with an EnviroCloth every evening before bed so I don’t dread cleaning it on the weekend!

7 years ago

We love it, Kristie! Please be sure to let us know how you did at the end of 2017!

7 years ago

In 2017 I want to have more Norwex parties, and get more customers to Love the Norwex products as much as I do.

Susan Simms
Susan Simms
7 years ago

I have never made a resolution before but this is a first! I will spread my knowledge of how to eliminate chemicals using Norwex on any media that I am using that day! I will purge plastics in my own home and show others how to do it in theirs!

Karla Miklos
Karla Miklos
7 years ago

I resolve to speak more to the big picture environmental impact of Norwex when discussing the products. Being new to this, I’m still trying to fine tune my presentations to my audience.

Jennifer Rottman
Jennifer Rottman
6 years ago

I did not make a new years resolution…..too many times I did not stick to it. I enjoy making weekly goals. Much easier to stick to.

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

I make resolutions every New Year… and I usually stick to them too!