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Saving the Planet One Plastic Bottle at a Time

Saving the Planet One Plastic Bottle at a Time

Norway Turns Plastic Bottles into Spending Money

In addition to being one of the world’s happiest places, Norway is also a world leader when it comes to recycling plastic bottles. In fact, Norway recycles an amazing 96% of its plastic bottles while the United States recycles only 31%. What’s the secret to Norway’s successful recycling program?

Take a look at this quick video to find out!

Norway recycles 97% of its plastic bottles

Recycling a recycling idea, should your country adopt the Norway model?

via World Economic Forum

Posted by EcoWatch on Sunday, February 18, 2018

Imagine what the rest of us could accomplish if we followed Norway’s lead for handling plastic bottles.

ParksCleaner parks, landfills and waterways. People eager to get their deposit back—or perhaps just to earn a little pocket money—would help reduce litter by picking up plastic bottles.

Less demand for plastic. Having to pay more for plastic might encourage many of us to BYOB—bring your own bottle—and to get into the habit of taking a reusable bottle with us.

DonationsAn increase in charitable donations. Think of a Coinstar machine, but for plastic bottles. You could choose to give to your favorite charity instead of keeping the deposit when returning plastic bottles to a machine.

It truly is impressive how the simple concept of a “deposit and refund” system could transform plastic bottles from trash into valuable objects—and keep litter out of landfills and waterways at the same time!

Back in the Good ol’ Days

comment_2Do you recall a time when beverage companies used a deposit and refund system to ensure that consumers returned glass bottles? Share your memories of collecting bottles, or even aluminum cans, in the comments below.


Would you pay more for a plastic bottle if you got the money back when you recycled it?

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Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger
6 years ago

My recycling tip is to start at the store! I ask myself, is the a sustainable product? Can I find one that is? I also carry my ‘all day’ cup with me – ALL DAY. I keep an extra one in the car incase I want to switch it up; have a hot and cold drink available.

Lia Thompson
Lia Thompson
6 years ago

It is so worrying that so many countries are not geared up for recycling. Some individuals may not care about the environment but I think if getting money back is an option then that may help to change some practices. Go Norway! 🙂

Tina Peterson
Tina Peterson
6 years ago

I don’t know if I would be more apt to recycle a bottle if I got my dpst back. I’d prefer just knowing a quarter from every bottle would be donated to charity or a homeless shelter automatically. If it were easier to recycle in Omaha I’d be more apt to do it as well.

Leigh-Ann Ross
Leigh-Ann Ross
6 years ago

LOVE these amazing ideas for encouraging people to do the right things!

Kirsten McCulloch
Kirsten McCulloch
6 years ago

There is a refund on *some* plastic bottles in some states in Australia, not not all – and I don’t think it’s as sophisticated as Norway’s scheme.

Sandy Swift
Sandy Swift
6 years ago

I grew up in South Australia where we were able to get refunds on bottles. It was a great way for groups to fund raise too. We would go around with a trailer and knock on peoples doors and ask if they would like to donate their bottles. So many people would have built up collections but had not found the time to take them back to the shop or return station so were willing to have us clean up their back yard pile. Nowadays we have the system where you put the bottles in the machine and get your refund credit. I must say I have not used one myself but put my bottles in my recycle bin.

Clara Scearce
Clara Scearce
6 years ago

I don’t want to pay more for the plastic bottle! I don’t want the plastic battle!!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Clara Scearce

Great point, Clara!

Angie Scott
Angie Scott
6 years ago

Wow, yes, I do remember. Conveyor belts for the glass bottle returns. Coke, Pepsi, even beer bottles. Happy to see this for plastics!

Tonda Gainey
Tonda Gainey
4 years ago

I remember my dad always bringing home glass “pop” bottles of Coke or Pepsi. We always took them back to the store for our deposit back. We were recycling and didn’t even think about it! It was the way it was done. I truly wish plastic bottles were made illegal in more places.