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One of these 20 simple things takes 600 years to decompose! [Infographic]

How Long Until Its Gone: Infographic

Estimated Decomposition Rates of Common Marine Debris Items

Did you know that a cigarette butt casually tossed on the beach could last for up to five years in the ocean? Or that a length of broken fishing line can linger up to 600 years? And that’s assuming the fish, birds or other marine life don’t eat them first!

Obviously, how we treat our planet can have a dramatic impact. Next time you’re out enjoying the water, please remember to pick up your trash.


Click image to enlarge


“How Long Until It’s Gone?” Source: NOAA

Earth Hour is Saturday, March 19  In support of our mission of reducing chemicals and plastics in the environment, Norwex Movement wishes you a happy Earth Hour! Visit the official website here.

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Rebecca Stokes
Rebecca Stokes
8 years ago

I think it’s so disgusting to look out over our beautiful country and see that it’s cluttered with plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic wrappers etc. These products were created to “make life easier” but in reality they harm not only our health but the beauty of our country. Let’s join together and KICK THE CLUTTER!

8 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca Stokes

Well said, Rebecca! We couldn’t agree more!

Amy Billmyer
Amy Billmyer
8 years ago

Wow, this is crazy! Had no idea!!!!

Angela Holtham
Angela Holtham
8 years ago

I love all of this informative stuff! Thank You!

Amy Hepfner
Amy Hepfner
8 years ago

It’s so sad to hear about wildlife being hurt or even killed because of our negligence with the products we produce. Plastic bottle rings, fishing line, broken glass, old tires, plastic bags, and so much more. We all need to wake up and see what we are doing to ourselves, our world and our wildlife….before it’s too late!!

I’m proud to be part of a company that is willing to help make a difference and encourages me to do so as well!

Samantha Doar
Samantha Doar
8 years ago

So informative! It’s great to learn more/be more aware of this.

Cindy Smith
Cindy Smith
8 years ago

When I read this type of article, I’m so thankful that I am a part of a movement that is trying to help our future generation! Thank you Norwex!!!

Hope Beach
Hope Beach
8 years ago

I can’t believe people throw things out as if the world is one big trashcan. It hurts my heart.

Sylvie Laporte
Sylvie Laporte
7 years ago

I will print the image and bring with me at my Norwex Presentation… seeing is worth a lot 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Sylvie Laporte

Thanks, Sylvie! You’re right: a picture or graphic like this can make a strong statement. Thanks for sharing!

Leigh-Ann Ross
Leigh-Ann Ross
6 years ago

That picture is SUCH an eye-opener!!!

Sharon Campese
Sharon Campese
6 years ago

So very, very sad what we are doing to our world all for the sake of convenience.

Sharon Campese
Sharon Campese
6 years ago

Terrible to see what we are doing for the sake of convenience. These posters should be EVERYWHERE as a reminder.

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

WHOA, this is so eye opening… why aren’t these on billboards around the ocean and our environment?!

Diane Rudy
Diane Rudy
6 years ago

This really puts things into perspective and makes a person think about what they use and being responsible to properly recycle everything.

Gail Kregel
Gail Kregel
6 years ago

This makes you think…I avoid single-use plastic as often as possible and try to pick up litter when I see it.

Ashley Kennard
Ashley Kennard
4 years ago

Just because you can’t see it anymore, doesn’t mean it is gone. The degraded particles are now being consumed by smaller and smaller creatures, closer to the start of the food chain. Much more dangerous for the ecosystem, this includes ourselfishselves as we eat produce of the sea endlessly. All this highlights is that we are spreading out the danger to the world for at least 600 years, unless these items can be retrieved and disposed of/recycled correctly.

nicole thomson
nicole thomson
3 years ago

It’s so important to make this issue salient for everyone, I’m so glad Norwex is part of the solution.

3 years ago

Great resources. Love some more updated versions and based on Australia, and a variety of research papers/studies to read up on…

Catherine Lafleur
Catherine Lafleur
3 years ago

I have found that many people feel it is not their problem because they did the right thing, but it does matter. Collecting recycle and dumping it in the landfill is not recycling. The plastic must go to a plant where it is processed and either sold for products or made into something else. Our oceans can not take much more, they are dying and I am conscious of where I purchase and how I bring my products home. Even bringing my own containers to eat out and bring home my leftovers.
Norwex helps me keep my house and car clean without chemicals and without adding to the plastic conundrum.

Last edited 3 years ago by Catherine Lafleur