Who knew that the word “kit” could have so many different meanings? Or that a “kit” could accomplish so many different purposes? Recently, I discovered a meaning for this little word that was completely new to me.
Did you know that “kit” can refer to uniforms worn by soccer players (aka “association football” in most other parts of the world). The reason I even know this is because it’s been in the news lately that some of these teams are wearing kits created entirely from ocean plastic!
It’s great to see such prestigious sports teams helping to create awareness about the worldwide problem of plastic pollution. On this side of the pond, The University of Miami’s football team, the Hurricanes, also have new uniforms made from recycled ocean plastic. And the Chicago White Sox recently became the first major league baseball team to ban plastic straws!
At the stadium I asked for my hot dog to be put in a paper cup instead of a plastic plate. I also brought my own straw and silverware made of bamboo.
Great idea, Kim! Thanks for sharing!
Wow this is cool!
This is one time that I will head for the canned beer instead of the tap… b/c the cans are recyclable at most stadiums.
My question is, Will plastic ever go away, even when it’s recycled over and over again? I understand that when it’s reduced to its smallest particle, it will become dust that will never disintegrate. Something to think about…
If it is the another revolutionary steps taken to recycle the ocean plastic, then there is no doubt it is one best decision ever made. Turning ocean plastic into useful footballer dress can spread awareness as well on letting the people and other brands to cooperate with nature and take the same step as well.