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Category: Chemicals

June 8, 2021 | | 1

5 steps to clean your grill with no harmful chemicals

Gearing Up for Grilling? If your summertime plans include cranking up the grill for a delicious meal to serve family and friends, you’ll want to make sure your cooker is clean! Not only does a well-kept grill look better, it’s safer, works better and lasts longer, too. Even if you wiped down your charcoal or […]

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Posted in: Amy's Green Blog, Chemicals, Environment, Family, Food, Health, Safe Havens, Water

June 1, 2021 | | 6

Happy anniversary to us: 27 years of making a difference

Radically reducing chemicals and making the world a little safer I’m so excited to wish Norwex® a big “Happy anniversary!” After beginning in Norway 27 years ago this month, Norwex now has a long, proud history of radically reducing chemicals in homes all over the world. Our exceptional microfiber, household and personal care products are […]

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Posted in: Amy's Green Blog, Chemicals, Conservation, Energy, Environment, Food, Health, Plastic, Reuse Recycle, Safe Havens, Water

December 29, 2020 | | 2

Let’s Count Down to the New Year!

Closing the Chapter Well can you believe it? The New Year is almost (finally) here! I know for many of us, 2021 couldn’t come soon enough. And while this year has certainly been challenging, it’s a good time to remember all we’ve accomplished and for me to say “Thank you” for what you’re doing to […]

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Posted in: Amy's Green Blog, Chemicals, Conservation, DIY, Environment, Food, Health, Plastic, Safe Havens

October 20, 2020 | | No Comments

On the Mission: “Cleaning Up Oceans for Future Generations” with Pete Ceglinski, CEO and Co Founder of the Seabin Project

The Seabin Project Get ready for another exciting episode of On the Mission! This time, I’m talking with Pete Ceglinski, CEO and Co Founder of the Seabin Project. The Seabin Project is near and dear to our heart here at Norwex as we partnered with them to set up Seabins in Malta. Tune in now […]

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Posted in: Amy's Green Blog, Chemicals, Environment, Health, Plastic, Water

May 12, 2020 | | 17

How to Switch Out Bad Eco Habits

Convenient Ways to Live More Sustainably Have you ever thought about how many daily habits are formed based purely on convenience, like grabbing a single-use water bottle instead of something more sustainable? Isn’t it interesting how once formed, these habits can become almost second nature to us? But habits born of convenience can sometimes put […]

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Posted in: Amy's Green Blog, Chemicals, Environment, Health, Safe Havens, Water

Why Use Chemicals When You Can Use Wildflowers?
August 13, 2019 | | 2

Why Use Chemicals When You Can Use Wildflowers?

Coming Full Circle: Using Nature to Combat Pests The use of pesticides is a regular occurrence in the farming and agriculture industry. Chemicals are routinely applied to crops to prevent them from being attacked and eaten by insects. But while they are effective in controlling insects, some of these chemicals can also be problematic for […]

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Posted in: Amy's Green Blog, Chemicals, Conservation, Environment, Health

6 Chemicals that Could Be Hurting Your Kids and How to Avoid Them
February 12, 2019 | | 4

6 Chemicals that Could Be Hurting Your Kids and How to Avoid Them

8 Ways to Help Keep Chemicals Out of Your Children’s Food Last July the American Academy of Pediatrics, a US medical organization representing 60,000+ pediatricians, issued a report raising awareness about the harmful effects of chemicals in food additives. It turns out that food additives can contain some harmful chemicals that you probably wouldn’t want […]

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Posted in: Amy's Green Blog, Chemicals, Environment, Family, Kids