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Working from Home Can Be Eco-Friendly

Working from Home Can Be Eco-Friendly

Stay at Home to Save Resources, Time and Money

Being a part of the typical nine-to-five commuting work world certainly has its benefits—like helping to provide for your family’s needs, as well as (hopefully) providing a sense of camaraderie with like-minded people in support of a corporate mission.

But it can also have its drawbacks. According to one report, “It is estimated that more than 80 percent of employees struggle to meet work and family demands on a daily basis. Work exhaustion has been linked to lower performance, burnout, increased staff turnover, and poorer health.”

Of course, work exhaustion can occur if you’re working from home, too, but by eliminating the commute, you can save time, money and resources.

Why Working from Home Might Be Right for You

Save Resources
One report notes that “if 32 million Americans who could work from home did so at least one day a week, 74 million gallons of gas could be saved—enough go around the globe 51,000 times. (Note: the number of people who have jobs that could be done at home is now estimated at 53 million, so the energy savings would be even greater—the equivalent of taking more than 27 million vehicles off the road).”

The report goes on to say, “It’s notable that the environmental benefits can be gained with even part-time telecommuting; if you work from home even just one day a week, in lieu of commuting, you can help preserve the environment.”

Save Time
Working from home can also mean having flexible work hours, which is great for those juggling obligations like child care, elder care and other duties. You can schedule any necessary meetings during low drive time, which helps save gas and carbon emissions. Working from home also allows you to easily accommodate customers in various time zones in addition to your children’s school schedules.

Save Money
Other benefits of reducing travel to and from the office every day are the wear and tear it saves on your car as well as on the roads themselves. You’ll also save money by not needing to fuel up as often or by eliminating bus, cab or train fare. You may be able to save on your taxes. And those who choose to work in their jammies can even save on wardrobe expenditures!

Thinking of Making the Switch?

You’ll want to keep monetary and resource expenditures to a minimum if you decide to work from home. Here are a few quick tips:

  • Invest in compact fluorescent light bulbs—they use 75% less energy than incandescent light bulbs
  • Watch your thermostat settings and air quality. Wear a sweater in the winter to keep heating costs down, or use a space heater in your office to keep comfortable). In the summer, you can open your windows, use a fan or, if it gets too hot, retreat to a library or coffee shop offering free wi-fi. And use plants to help eliminate indoor air pollution.
  • Recycle any paper and cardboard you use.
  • Turn off your computer, lights and other office appliances when you’re not using them to save energy.
comment_2What are your thoughts on working from home? We’d love to hear from you! Just leave a comment below.


About Tech: Save the Environment by Working from Home
Springer: Benefits of working from home depends on family demands
About Parenting: 5 Ways Working From Home Saves Money
Treehugger: How to Go Green: Work from Home
BrightHub: How Telecommuting Benefits the Environment
Investopedia: The Top 6 Benefits Of Starting A Home-Based Business
Investopedia: 10 Tax Deductions & Benefits For The Self-Employed
How Stuff Works: Benefits of CFL Bulbs

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Patricia Hayes
Patricia Hayes
8 years ago

What is working well for my family to help with trash is we have a compost pit and throw most everything that used to be alive in it. We also have compost with worms so they turn our trash into wonderful fertilizer. Happy composting, Patricia

Jill Amos-Polifka
Jill Amos-Polifka
8 years ago

I love My new Journey to share Norwex and it’s Products and sharing the mission to build safe Havens

Suzanne Gray
8 years ago

I have had the pleasure of working from home as a Norwex Consultant since 2001. Originally part-time as a Mom of young children, as my family grew so did my business. The biggest gift was that my children had the ability to see first hand how respect for our planet, genuine concern for others and selfdisapline has resulted into a thriving successful career.
As a family we make conscious choices of how we impact our planet, from daily consumption, travel and recreation. For many years my sweet children were naive enough to think that everyone lived this way. If only that was the truth, the good news is we’re getting there… by living green and by sharing Norwex, one client/one party/one new consultant at a time.

Cheryl Cross
Cheryl Cross
8 years ago

I just started with Norwex and I love it.

Michelle Cox
Michelle Cox
8 years ago

I am trying to make healthier choices not only for my family health but for the environment. I’m happy to do my part by working from home tho! Really excited to be joining the Norwex movement!

8 years ago
Reply to  Michelle Cox

That’s great, Michelle! We’re happy to have you with us!

Sonya Eckel
8 years ago

I’ve been a Norwex rep for almost 7 years, and I can’t imagine life the “old way”! Working from home has brought me the freedom to be home with my kids while earning a significant full-time income. I love being my own boss and getting to work with amazing peeps all across North America!!!

8 years ago

Compact fluorescent light bulbs are not good for the environment. They contain mercury, and if not disposed of properly are an environmental hazard (also not good if they break). They can also be a fire hazard if placed in ceiling fixtures where they hang upside down and are left on for long periods of time.
Space heaters are energy suckers and fire hazards if not used correctly. Be very cautious.
I’m happy to have recently learned about Norwex products and I’m excited to start using them.

8 years ago

I am looking to work from home through Norwex. I just recently attended my first Norwex party and haven’t stopped thinking about the products and company. I am passionate about Mother Earth and feel that it is my call of duty to help preserve our environment. I love Norwex’s mission and everything it stands by. Norwex seems to be the perfect fit for me. Now I need to figure out a way to work from home but still bring in a salary.

Eve Jones
Eve Jones
8 years ago

I love the freedom of working from home. The time saved not travelling sometimes is great. I can also juggle kids hobbies etc. easily. Modern working practices do work if handled properly x.

Hope Beach
Hope Beach
8 years ago

I love working from home. And I also love that my recycling is bigger than my trash. In fact, I’m thinking I don’t even need to put my trash can out every week! I love what Norwex has done for my home and environment in which I live and work!

Monique Vanderbanck
Monique Vanderbanck
7 years ago

New to Norwex, So happy with the products I have and over the moon with excitement to share what Norwex can do for others.

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

I have a full time job, and a side hobby with Norwex, and both are from home (except for a handful of meetings and gigs outside the home)… and I LOVE IT!!! I enjoy being able to be present for my kids.. <3

Lia Thompson
Lia Thompson
6 years ago

I am in a role which I need to be out and about. I am unsure if I would be very productive if left to my own devices at home! Too many distractions. Great idea for a lot of people though.