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Could Road Trips in the Future Help Clean the Air?

Could Road Trips in the Future Help Clean the Air?

Goodyear’s Oxygene May Bring the Future of Mobility to Life

What if every car trip you took meant cleaner air for your city because your car’s tires reduced CO2 as you drove around? This may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. At the March 2018 Geneva International Motor Show, Goodyear introduced a concept tire that could conceivably do just that.

This oxygen-generating “photosynthesis tire,” named “Oxygene,” would use living moss growing within the sidewall to absorb CO2 from the environment.

Goodyear estimates that if every car in Paris had these tires, around 4,000 tons of CO2 could be removed from the air there each year—that’s equivalent to removing about 4,500 cars from the road.

While this technology is currently just in the concept stages and nowhere near ready for mass-production, it’s still a thought-provoking concept for anyone interested in living cleaner and more sustainably.

With more than two-thirds of the world population expected to live in cities by 2050, the demands on transport networks in urban environments will increase substantially,” said Chris Delaney, President of Goodyear Europe, Middle East and Africa. “Smarter, greener infrastructure and transport will be crucial in addressing the most pressing challenges of urban mobility and development. By contributing in this way to cleaner air generation, the tire could help enhance quality of life and health for city-dwellers.

What Makes the Oxygene Different?

  • Living moss in the tire’s sidewall would allow the tire to absorb moisture through its tread, inhaling carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the air.
  • Energy created during photosynthesis would power sensors, artificial intelligence and a light strip that uses different colors to alert drivers and pedestrians to the vehicle’s maneuvers.
  • Technology called visible light communications system, or LiFi, would allow the tire to wirelessly interact with other cars and vehicle infrastructure, theoretically paving the way for autonomous cars.
  • The tire’s 3-D-printed structure would be made with rubber powder from recycled tires.
comment_2Isn’t it interesting to take a peek at what could be just over the horizon? Could you see yourself using tires like the Oxygene? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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Sonia Tyler
Sonia Tyler
6 years ago

This would be an amazing technology that I would totally support. I wonder how much it will cost and how long the tires would last.

Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger
6 years ago

I’m curious if the moss can withstand Ohio winters and road salt

Lindsey Frommeyer
Lindsey Frommeyer
6 years ago

This is an awesome idea! I hope it is available in the near future…I wonder when they will release more information regarding the cost and how long the tires would actually last; as well as if there are any restrictions (like speed, etc.).

Lia Thompson
Lia Thompson
6 years ago

Looking forward to seeing these…. Bet they cost a fortune!!

Tanya Aoyagi
Tanya Aoyagi
6 years ago

Even though this is just a concept at this point, what an incredible way to look realistically at projected issues (“more than two thirds of the world’s population living in cities by 5050”) and work on a solution NOW, instead of when the problem is even more exacerbated than it is today. I would absolutely purchase and use these if it were proven that they were safe and effective.

Casey Clemens
Casey Clemens
6 years ago

Wow!! Just Wow! Technology is absolutely amazing!!

Heather Wiese
Heather Wiese
6 years ago

I’m surprised that the world is so slow in innovations such as this. Globally, we need to step it up and “git at ‘er”!

Trina Greer
Trina Greer
6 years ago

This is one of the coolest things I have ever heard!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Trina Greer

Thanks for your comment, Trina. We completely agree!