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One Solution for Reducing Plastic Waste: Eat It

One Solution for Reducing Plastic Waste: Eat It

How the Ocean Is Helping to Solve Its Own Problem

In a world that’s increasingly reliant on (and burdened by) plastic, today we’re happy to share a bit of good news.

An Indonesian start-up company, Evoware, has created a type of edible, seaweed-based packaging that’s not only replacing plastic, it’s also benefitting the farmers who grow the seaweed.

The new packaging has a two-year shelf life and is being used to make things like single-serving coffee sachets that melt in hot water, sugar and seasoning packets, edible hamburger wrappers and even toothpicks. And because it’s packed with vitamins, it’s also good for you!

Seaweed is one of Indonesia’s most prolific resources; the country produces about 10 million tons of it every year. But the farmers who grow it are usually among Indonesia’s poorest residents. Indonesia is also one of the world’s largest contributors to ocean plastic.

Evoware’s edible bioplastic is seen as a biological win-win because it supports the farmers who supply the seaweed, and it also creates a sustainable, biodegradable product that could ultimately help prevent so much plastic waste from entering oceans.

comment_2Would you eat “edible plastic,” given the choice? Why or why not? We’d love to hear your thoughts—just leave us a comment below!


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Angie Scott
Angie Scott
6 years ago

I love these ideas, Amy! Sustainability! I was AMAZED today to see cat litter made from walnut shells in my local Walmart. I’m so happy to see these innovations in the hands of consumers!!!

Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger
6 years ago

I would eat this, but I fear it needs to be renamed for the idea to go mainstream.

Kajtor Csilla
Kajtor Csilla
6 years ago
Reply to  Kim Metzger

Like melting goods

Leigh-Ann Ross
Leigh-Ann Ross
6 years ago

Love people inventing these amazing products!

Lia Thompson
Lia Thompson
6 years ago

This is a great source of inspiration and information 🙂

Jus Quinn
Jus Quinn
6 years ago

this video has been hopeful and empowering. I love true individuals and thank you to you for sharing your passions through video to us.
remarkable!!! il be eating that!!!

Heather Wiese
Heather Wiese
6 years ago

I think this idea is stellar. I am concerned though, that with all of the current ocean pollution, just how non-toxic would this sea weed based edible “plastic” be?