Welcome to the Norwex Movement

7 Ways to Protect Loved Ones from Harmful Chemicals

7 Ways to Protect Loved Ones from Harmful Chemicals

What’s in Your Weed Killer?

While most of us are aware that chemicals in products that we use every day can be harmful, sometimes it’s good to be reminded. And when stories like the one we’ve highlighted below come to the forefront, they can be a natural conversation-starter to have with friends, family and neighbors who may also need a reminder about the importance of being proactive in the fight to keep our families safer.

Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup is “the most widely applied pesticide worldwide” according to a report published in Environmental Sciences Europe. Glyphosate is an endocrine-disruptor and “probable human carcinogen” on its own, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

But in addition to glyphosate, some of the “inert ingredients” in Roundup are suspected to increase the product’s toxicity even further. And because specific formulations can be considered proprietary information, or “trade secrets,” individual ingredients are not required by U.S. law to be listed on labels.

So the exact blend of chemicals in Roundup was unknown to the public—until a team of toxicologists reverse engineered the formulations. According to theintercept.com, in the process they showed that including some of the supposedly inert ingredients actually created a more toxic product than glyphosate alone.

This highlights the fact that harmful chemicals can be anywhere. So, what can we do to help protect our families from them?

  1. Learn more about how chemicals can get into your home and your body.
  2. Learn about the impact of various kinds of chemicals on your health.
  3. Learn how to reduce chemicals in your home, workplace, school and body.
  4. Read product labels and follow all warnings.
  5. Write your representatives encouraging them to pass laws that protect you and your family.
  6. Become more aware of sustainable agro-ecological farming practices.
  7. Share what you learn with people you love.

Our Norwex Intentions

Norwex Movement embraces the intentions of Norwex, our parent company:

  • To create millions of Safe Havens at home and around the globe.
  • To advocate for stronger and stricter laws worldwide regarding chemicals and testing them for safety before consumers use them.
  • To raise awareness and education on chemicals and our environmental challenges.
  • To aggressively work to reduce our use of plastic and increase the use of biodegradable plastic.
  • To evaluate our company’s impact on the environment and determine ways we can reduce our footprint on the planet and leave it in even better shape than we found it.
  • To ask everyone to make small, conscious choices to improve our planet.
comment_2I am proud to be a part of a company that’s committed to raising awareness about the effects of harmful chemicals and to creating safer havens in homes everywhere. Are you also on this mission? Please let us know how you’ve helped others become more aware of the effects of harmful chemicals.


Have you ever contacted a government representative to urge them to act?

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Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger
5 years ago

any bright ideas how to convince my hubby that, YES, one small change can have an impact? Especially when repeated like refusing one time use plasticware.

Tanya Aoyagi
Tanya Aoyagi
5 years ago
Reply to  Kim Metzger

Lead by example! It’s been hard to get my family on board with some changes, but I can choose those healthier choices for myself, and over the last several years my family has started picking up on that–to the point my husband will now refuse plastic straws when he gets drinks. It’s a BIG deal to have him see that. Keep it up–you are having an impact and people are watching! 🙂

Linda Kemp
Linda Kemp
5 years ago
Reply to  Kim Metzger

I’ve always found the best way is by example. Just do YOUR part, and know you’re making a difference, and allow him to reach that desire for himself. This goes for everyone, not just husbands. It took me a long time to want to make a difference – not until after I began norwex-ing did I care.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kim Metzger

We agree with Tanya and Linda, Kim! You are making a difference just by being the example. You’ll be surprised how often others will begin to follow your lead. Keep up the good work and thanks for being such an inspiring part of the Movement!

Linda Watson
Linda Watson
5 years ago

I always am sure to share any of the interesting articles that you provide through this venue. Also, talking about the Norwex movement is an important part of all my in home demonstrations. It does make me very proud to represent Norwex!

5 years ago
Reply to  Linda Watson

Thanks Linda! That is wonderful to hear! Please let us know if there are any subjects you would like to see covered in the future!

Angie Scott
Angie Scott
5 years ago

I, too, love being affiliated with Norwex! Great company, amazing products, and a mission that I can’t help but yammer on about to anyone who will listen (haha). I have made SO many changes since joining Norwex. I rarely use paper towels, I use toilet paper that is made from recycled paper (not recycled TP, mind you!) and does not have any bleaching agents (thanks to an example set by my black jacket leader!).. I no longer burn candles, I swapped out all my plastic food containers for glass, my Teflon for Ceramic. I use safer beauty aids from shampoo to makeup to soap to lotion… I tell all my party guests that this is a lifestyle chance – and whether you start small or “go big!”, it’s YOUR journey… you are in control. You decide what changes you will make and how that impacts your world.