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Sharing Your Ideas: Norwex Movement Members Speak Out!

Sharing Your Ideas: Norwex Movement Members Speak Out!

Saying Farewell to Foam

We continue to be amazed by (and very proud of) the creative solutions Norwex Movement members have come up with in order to live a little more sustainably. For example in response to our recent blog, “Businesses Are Saying No to Foam Packaging,” several of you wrote in to share how you are saying “farewell” to foam single-use food and drink containers.

“I take my reusable mugs everywhere from Starbucks. I also have asked our local butcher shop to stop using foam to package his meats and now he has switched to wrapping them with paper.”

Teresa Miller

“I bring my ‘all day cup’ with me to the gas station. I fill it with pop and the cashier charges me for a refill instead of a fill. This saves me .50 with each fill up. WIN, WIN, WIN.”

Kim Metzger

“When I go out to restaurants I take 7 things with me every time – a set of flatware, 2 stainless steel straws, a couple of silicone collapsible food containers, 3 small silicone condiment containers. a stainless steel or glass drink container, and a cloth carry out bag and my EnviroCloths. I refuse any single use packaging.”


“Never use foam packaging! Take your own reusable/washable containers to restaurants. Sounds weird but soon everyone will be doing it!”

Sharon Campese

“This has been a difficult area for me, since most take-out restaurants in our area still use foam packaging. When possible, if we are at a restaurant I ask for a reusable coffee mug rather than a take-out (as long as we are staying there). I’d love to get better about carrying my own travel mug with me!”

Tanya Aoyagi

“How I avoid styrofoam.

  1. Styrofoam Packaging – I avoid styrofoam packaging by not purchasing from companies that use it. Unfortunately this is learned after my purchase has arrived. To compensate for it, I collect all packaging materials and return them to my local shipping store where they state they will reuse them. That is my hope.
  2. Styrofoam To-Go Coffee Cups – As for restaurants, I ALWAYS take a reusable travel mug for hot and cold drinks. I’ve even used mine to take left overs home in. Why not? It’s a container of a different shape and size, that’s all. If I don’t have my mug, I DON’T order a drink. It’s that simple. Punishing myself this way reminds me to carry my mug, saves me $$, saves me guilt and helps me to opt-out of being part of a much bigger problem. I will live without a cup of coffee.
  3. Styrofoam To-Go Containers – Regarding take out food, I try to purchase only what I eat. If I know the restaurant offers biodegradable containers, I may opt to use them. But in my mind, taking a plastic that is recyclable is just being “less bad” and “less bad” still makes a person part of the problem. Instead, opt-out by ordering what you will eat, eat all your left overs and skip dessert or your next snack, or bring your own glass container to get your food home.
  4. CARRY WITH YOU your straw, cup, a to-go container, silverware in your car in a nap sack.”

April Taylor

comment_2Got more ideas? You’re always welcome to email your thoughts and ideas directly to us movement@norwex.com. We’d love to hear from you! Or, just leave a comment below.

Thank YOU, Teresa, Kim, Gina, Sharon, Tanya & April,

For all you and your families are doing to help ensure that our landfills and oceans do not become any more polluted by single-use containers! And thanks to everyone else who posted other valuable comments about this topic too!


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Lia Thompson
Lia Thompson
6 years ago

In the UK Costa coffee shop gives a small bit of money off your drink if you bring in your own cup. It’s great to see there is more I can do to reduce waste regarding buying certain items 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Lia Thompson

Thanks for sharing, Lia! It’s really great to see more companies not only operating more sustainably, but encouraging their patrons to do so too!

Leigh-Ann Ross
Leigh-Ann Ross
6 years ago

I love reading these ideas!

Mindy Simonson
Mindy Simonson
6 years ago

I need to try implementing some of these ideas…maybe I will start with one at a time. The reusable cup should be easy enough to do!

Lia Thompson
Lia Thompson
6 years ago

I found this and thought it may be of interest to some Norwex crafter 🙂 https://craftingagreenworld.com/articles/five-crafty-ways-to-upcycle-mesh-produce-bags/