Welcome to the Norwex Movement

Share Your Wisdom to Empower Us All

Share Your Wisdom to Empower Us All

Got Ideas? We Want to Hear from YOU!

I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for almost five years now. And, oh the love and feedback you’ve shared! As you know, Movement members and readers are always encouraged to share your opinions, perspectives and ideas on each topic—and I’m so thankful when you take the time to do so! Here’s what I’ve discovered over the years:

Norwex Movement members have a lot of great ideas!

As I’ve read through all the thoughts, suggestions and helpful hints you’ve entrusted us with, I deeply appreciate the wealth and depth of wisdom you bring for creating a world that’s healthier, happier and more sustainable.

But I’m guessing that all your good ideas may not always be seen by other readers—so I want to spotlight them a bit. I’d like to give them a chance to shine a little more brightly, so to speak, so more readers can benefit from them. To that end, we plan to occasionally use this space to feature an idea shared by a reader in response to a current or past blog post.

For example, in response to last month’s blog, “Are You Wiping Out Forests When You Wipe Your Hands?,” Movement member Linda Watson recently shared her “paper towel for the week” idea:

“It’s been difficult to get my husband out of the habit of using paper towels. However, when I explained that our Magnetic Enviro Cloth hanging on the side of the fridge is our Paper Towel for the week, it helped tremendously. Any spill, even on the floor, can be cleaned up with this cloth, then rinsed out. Thrown back on the side of the fridge to dry, it’s ready for the next spill! I’m loving our reusable napkins and still working on getting him to use these! Can’t wait to try the new kitchen wipes!!!! I want the day to come when he no longer adds Paper Towels on the shopping list!”

Thanks Linda!

And thanks to everyone else who’s shared their insights so far. We’re all in it together, and every little bit of knowledge and know-how we have empowers us to build a better world for us and for our families!

comment_2Got more ideas? You’re always welcome to email your thoughts and ideas directly to us movement@norwex.com. If you’ve done a project you’d like to share, please also include a photo and how-tos!


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Amy Hepfner
Amy Hepfner
6 years ago

Ooo….I LOVE Linda’s idea!! Thanks for sharing!! I’m going to try that with my guys at home!

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

I love the paper towel for the week idea!

Joan Skjelstad
Joan Skjelstad
6 years ago

Hi Amy, it’s been brought to my attention that microfibre particles get washed down the drain and is floating around In the water systems and oceans, harming the aquatic life. I would like to know what to say when this question has been put forward to me. I’ve researched a washing bag called The Guppie Friend wash bag, made in Germany from Polyamed which collects the small micro fibers I know our microfibre is the best anywhere and probably not such a worry, but do you think Norwex will in the future make a wash bag like this?
I’ve had 2 customers only ask this of me. They watched a program on CBC that went into great discussion about microfibre. Any answer will help.
Thank you

6 years ago
Reply to  Joan Skjelstad

Hi Joan! Thank you for your inquiry about Norwex products. Norwex Movement is a separate division of Norwex that exists to help people create safer havens in their homes by raising awareness about planetary issues that affect us all. Our policy is to direct all Norwex-specific inquiries to Customer Care. In the U.S., please contact 1-866-450-7499. In Canada, please contact 1-877-766-7939.

karen drygas
karen drygas
6 years ago

i am sharing the Norwex Movement with friends, work associates, and family – i am determined to be a greater part of the solution. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by global warming, pollution and its harm to water sources, our oceans, animal populations, and our own health and safety because of toxins. I appreciate the work you do, Amy, to bring amazing stories that inspire and give me hope for our shared future.

6 years ago
Reply to  karen drygas

Karen, that is wonderful! Thank you for sharing Norwex Movement and for your determination to be a part of the solution for us all. You’re right: It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by some of the environmental problems we face today, BUT you are making a difference with every choice and with every share. Keep up the good work, Karen. It’s your kind of positive, can-do attitude that brings hope to us all!

Laura Kelsey
Laura Kelsey
2 years ago

Norwex is great for cleaning cast iron cookware. I use the net dish cloth to remove any excess grease or oil. The Spirisponge gets off anything that is sticky. Then a rinse with hot water, a rub down with a clean net dishcloth and dry with a Norwex dish towel and it’s ready for the next time.