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7 Consumer Items Banned Around the World [Infographic]

7 Consumer Items Banned Around the World [Infographic]

From Frog Legs to Coffee Pods . . .

We love this attention-getting infographic from QuidCorner! Why not share it with your friends to help spread awareness about the harmful impact of these items on our planet? And kudos, by the way, to the places that have banned them!

comment_2We know that many of you have probably already given up some of these items—or never used them at all. But what do you use instead? We’d love to hear your ideas! Just leave us a comment below.
Were you aware that plastic grocery bags were so environmentally UNfriendly?

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Quid Corner: 7 Consumer Items Being Banned Around the World to Save the Planet

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Linda Watson
Linda Watson
8 years ago

When we first purchased our Keurig, I was trying to clean out the pods so that they could be recycled. It was almost impossible and I heard they were not recyclable, so we switched to using coffee in a reusable filter, instead.
We have switched from using products that we know contain microbeads. I’ve just recently discovered, since Canada named microbeads toxic, that the ingredient to look for on the label is “polyethylene”. I won’t purchase any products with this ingredient.
Of course we use reusable and produce bags for our groceries and any shopping for that matter. I refuse plastic, if and when possible.
We avoid plastic water bottles and use refillable bottles.
Have never tried Frogs Legs!

7 years ago
Reply to  Linda Watson

Those are excellent changes, thanks for sharing Linda. (And I’ve never tried Frogs Legs either!)

Beth Reamer
Beth Reamer
8 years ago

I absolutely love my french press:) I also use a cup at work for water instead of bottle! I love how some of these things are US related. I feel we should do more!

8 years ago

You picture Nespresso coffee capsules, which are aluminum based and fully recyclable. Their coffee is also sourced with the highest ethical and ecological standards. I agree with your article in principal but this is a huge error.

8 years ago
Reply to  Shelle

Shelle, thank you for noticing that the image we posted to accompany this blog contains Nespresso coffee capsules, which indeed are aluminum based and fully recyclable, as you state. However, our belief is that any waste created by the use of coffee pods and other single-use items is still waste, regardless of whether it’s recyclable.

Leah Rissien
Leah Rissien
7 years ago
Reply to  Moderator

Big agree! Before justifying something as recyclable, we need to think about whether we can reduce its use in the first place!

Melissa Short
Melissa Short
8 years ago

We use reusable water bottles and coffee cups. It’s way easier for me and no worries about spilling it allover either. We also use reusable bags when shopping. We haven’t used any face wash since April 1st, 2015 since we use the body and makeup cloths for bathing and washing our faces. We’ve saved a lot of money and our landfills to boot since we are making better choices

Kimberly Davis
Kimberly Davis
8 years ago

My dad bought me a coffee press last year and I love it. I use Eco bottles from Tupperware.

Noemi Ortiz
Noemi Ortiz
8 years ago

I had no idea about the vacuum and especially the frog legs, and I’m a science high school teacher. Thank you so much for this infograph, definitely will come in handy for this upcoming school year.

sarah Brown
sarah Brown
8 years ago

WOW! A lot of good info in this little chart! Thanks!

Jennifer Backler
Jennifer Backler
8 years ago

Great chart! I use a refillable coffee pod in my single serve coffee maker since I am so time pressed for the French Press on weekdays. 🙂

Marsha Jaramillo
Marsha Jaramillo
8 years ago

I would never have thought frog legs would be an item banned. But, it makes sense after reading this article. the rest is a no brainer. Great article.

Teri Baxter
Teri Baxter
8 years ago

Getting a french press! Thanks!

Siobhan Wolf Shaffer
Siobhan Wolf Shaffer
8 years ago

Love my French press (and have for years!). It’s the best coffee I’ve ever brewed.

I have a trunk organizer filled with reusable bags in my car for any and all shopping expeditions. I also keep my Norwex mesh produce bags in there so I have those when I make a sudden stop at the store.

With the new Norwex Body Scrub Mitt, I have no use for exfoliators any longer. Woohoo!

Thank you Norwex!

hannah warzala
hannah warzala
7 years ago

We have switched to refilling our water bottles a long time ago and it saves a lot of money as well. I always use my reusable shopping bags, they are in my trunk all the time.

JoAnne Gill
JoAnne Gill
7 years ago

I hate hate hate plastic bags and can’t get my husband to stop taking them at the store!

Nora Bazuin
Nora Bazuin
7 years ago

We love our Keurig, but only use reusable filter cups. We buy coffee and fill them up.

Jo Buchanan
Jo Buchanan
7 years ago

This is really interesting!

Sharon Campese
Sharon Campese
7 years ago

Surprised to read that about the vacuum. I like the washable coffee filter that you can fill with your own coffee blend.

Jennifer Rottman
Jennifer Rottman
6 years ago

I use reusable grocery bags. I keep them in my car at all times.

Lucy A Arnett
Lucy A Arnett
6 years ago

Thank you for the holiday wrapping ideas!!! Fortunately, i’ve Been doing the rest except I now have to ask others to bring their containers for leftovers!!!

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

VERY informative infographic, thanks for sharing!!!

France Mazerolle
France Mazerolle
6 years ago

I am happy to say that we’ve been using a French press for a year or so. Ive also stopped using microwave, ziplock bags, paper towels, plastic straws …… Thankfully for Norwex, I was able to replace most of my daily wastes with reusable items.

Lauren Rogers
Lauren Rogers
3 years ago

I had no idea about frog legs! I’m learning so much through this blog, thank you.