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How Your Long Commute to Work Is Affecting The Food You Eat

How Your Long Commute to Work Is Affecting The Food You Eat

Pollinators are in Decline Around the World

Biodiversity refers to the variety of different types of life found on Earth, and it helps ensure natural sustainability for life on our planet.

However, biodiversity has been rapidly declining around the world, and this is having a significant impact on how we live.

For example, it’s estimated that over 1,300 types of plants are grown worldwide for food, medicine, fabric and many other uses, and that more than 87% of these plants are pollinated by insects like the honeybee, as well as various other animals.

The problem, however, is that many species of insects and animals that pollinate plants are now threatened with extinction.

There are several factors that contribute to the decline of populations of native and managed pollinators, and this loss is affecting not only the agricultural community, but also the animals that rely on plants to survive.

Urbanization, for instance, has led to habitat fragmentation and destruction, and with an increased urban population comes increased energy consumption, air pollution and waste, all of which contribute to an unhealthy environment and a decline in biodiversity.

In addition, agricultural practices like the use of broad-spectrum pesticides lead to the disruption or destruction of countless pollinator habitats.

If pollinators begin to disappear, the ecological and economic consequences will be enormous. The number and diversity of wild plants will decline, and many ecosystems will become unstable and unable to thrive.

So what can we do to help?

You can help by minimizing your carbon footprint. Everything from what you eat to how much you recycle has a tremendous effect on the environment.

On our new RACE site www.norwexrace.com, we have a free Carbon Footprint Calculator you can use to help you estimate your carbon footprint so you can adjust and learn how to offset your carbon emissions, which will allow you to work towards the goal of creating a stable climate for future generations.

Consider planting a flower garden to help attract bees while allowing them to collect and spread pollen to other crops and flowers. Another way you can help reduce your carbon footprint is by purchasing and consuming organic foods. Organic produce is grown with fewer harmful chemicals, and you’ll be helping to support your local economy as well.

Also, by using less electricity around the house, driving less and/or carpooling, and recycling consistently, you’ll be doing your part to reduce carbon emissions while helping to sustain biodiversity.

For more information on how to help, check out this article with 10 Tips On How To Help Biodiversity.

Do you have any other tips for reducing your carbon footprint? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.


New Scientist Beta: Europe is rapidly losing its biodiversity and wildlife habitats
Solutions: Facing Extinction – Nine Steps to Save Biodiversity
USDA: The Importance of Pollinators
BBC Earth: Pollinators in Decline Around the World

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Karen Berry
Karen Berry
8 years ago

I will use the information about planting a garden with my kids at school. Keep them informed of how bees pollinate crops and flowers.

TK - Admin
8 years ago
Reply to  Karen Berry

thanks for sharing!

Elaine Lihzis
Elaine Lihzis
8 years ago

I’ve heard about the problem with bees and the upsurge in local bee producers. Good information on how to help

Amy Hepfner
Amy Hepfner
8 years ago

I don’t know what the previous owners did to the property, but we had a hard time growing anything for over 10 years. We don’t use herbicides or pesticides. After 15 years I’ve now got bee balm, butterfly weed, milk weed and other bee and butterfly plants in my gardens. We were so excited a couple of years ago when we saw a lone bumble bee visiting. Then we saw fireflies, other bees and more good bugs in our yard. It was a long road back, but the work we put into it was completely worth it.

TK - Admin
8 years ago
Reply to  Amy Hepfner

sounds like you’ve made great progress!

Leslie Martinez
Leslie Martinez
8 years ago

My son worked this summer pollinating corn in our area. Not sure if it was because it needed to be controlled or for lack of natural pollinators, but I found this very interesting. It is a hard/hot job for people, so let’s get some flowers growing!

Hope Beach
Hope Beach
8 years ago

I planted many flowers this spring so I’m happy to see all the bees in my front yard now! 🙂

Bryan Samuell
Bryan Samuell
8 years ago

We live out on the country and have an organic garden, free range chickens and are very natural in our thinking and living, however we share Norwex, creating safe havens everywhere our business takes is! We drive a lot, doing this, should we stop so we can save on fuel and the carbon that produces?