Smart Fixes for Life’s Little Disasters. Adapted from Real Simple magazine, October 2017.
What is your go-to elixir for soothing irritated, dry or even sunburnt skin? Is there a homemade remedy you use for your kids’ sensitive skin? Tell us more about your favorite salve or skin-soothing treatment in the comments below.
I am LOVING our new body balm for the dry areas of my skin. I’ve also been trying it out on my son’s little sore chin from constant lip licking…. but previously and still on baby bums I use a homemade salve that includes herbs like plantain, calunda, mullein and she’s butter/ coconut oil. A friend makes it and it is soothing and works on those little rashes!
We discovered our granddaughter was allergic to chlorine and purchased a chlorine filter from Carbon Environmental Boutique in Edmonton. It has made a world of difference for her.
I love this “read between the lines” commentary on the bullet points. So many people think they KNOW how to “avoid irritants” without ever stopping to identify and define just what those irritants ARE! Great post!
I love this post! My oldest child is incredibly sensitive to cleansers & body care products, so switching away from bubble baths & store-bought cleansers was HUGE for his skin. It’s hard to believe now that he used to have eczema patches all over his body–his skin is clear and healthy now! I love being able to wash my kids with just a cloth & water or a gentle, safe cleanser when we want bubbles.
We use a lot of Shea Butter, and we have a local WAHM who makes an amazing salve with coconut oil, beeswax, and organic herbs that is magic on sores and diaper rash.
I use the Norwex shower gel as a shampoo for a healthy scalp.
I like to use coconut oil for dry skin.
I like coconut oil on my skin—straight up! ; ]