Welcome to the Norwex Movement

Share Your Story Week 3 WINNERS!


Congratulations to the third round of winners in our Share Your Story contest!

The three winners are listed below with their winning story.

Shaye Waller

Approximately a year and a half ago, I was relaxing after a long day at work and noticed the bottom of both my feel felt numb. I was working a 40+ hour a week job in senior level management, stressed out, and over worked. That next day, my legs felt numb to my knees. It progressively got worse as the numbness and tingling went up my legs and stopped at my waist. After many doctor visits, scans and xrays, the doctors found a lesion on my spinal cord. My family and I were shocked! I had test after test after test…..I ended up having a spinal tap during my hospital stay. The Mayo Clinic could not determine what caused my lesion. I couldn’t walk without a walker, and I was put on IV steroids.

My entire world as I knew it changed. It was a wake up call to me and to my body. After much discussion with medical professionals, it was determined that it was an “unknown” virus that caused the lesion on my spinal cord. I was told that I might not walk again. I did a lot of research on chemicals, and how different chemicals can negatively affect your body. I also read about auto-immune diseases, and many of my symptoms mimicked many auto immune diseases. This started my mission to find products I could use in my home to keep myself and my family safe from toxins. I found Norwex! And, it has been a true blessing in my life, and the lives of my family and friends. Not only have I completely overhauled all of the products in my home to Norwex, I have changed our personal care products as well. We no longer use tons of paper towels to clean. Right now, I am still dealing with chronic pain, but I feel so good knowing our lives have been forever impacted for the good because of Norwex, and Norwex’s mission! The company and their products have been a true blessing in our lives, and we are forever grateful.

Ann Cowan

I started selling Norwex in July, 2013. I really wanted that FREE mop. I hadn’t tried any of the Norwex products before I signed on as a consultant. I was just so tired of buying steam mop after steam mop for our hard wood floors. This was one of my best decisions that I have made. The more I learn about the Norwex company the more I am sure that this is where I fit.

The products are outstanding. They give me and the family an EASY way to keep up with the housework. Yes, I still get the mumbles of doing chores from the four boys, but it takes them less time to do them and I don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals that they touch. A cloth and some water is all they need to do most of the cleaning. Amazing.


Dawnmarie Grack

We do not have any grand, life-altering story, yet we try to do our part in little ways that we hope will add up.

One of the ways that we try to help is by sharing “our nature.” We have some beautiful flowers in our yard, and we happily dig up and share some with whomever would like them. Sharing plants leaves room for more to grow and allows others to have beauty in their own yards while giving more back to the environment…more plants = more fresh air.

We also try to pass on what we can and obtain what we can from others rather than leaving things to be wasted by being sent to the trash to fill more landfills. We host an orphan from overseas twice a year through the New Horizons for Children ministry, and we needed some new furniture this year. Rather than going shopping, we found a bunk bed with built in drawers that a local family had. They did not have to throw it away, and we got an excellent piece of furniture to suit our needs. Additionally, we recently acquired a recliner, gave away a table, and facilitated the re-homing of a rocker for the parents of a new baby.

A big change that we made recently was switching to Norwex for our cleaning supplies. We are absolutely thrilled to not be exposing our family to many of the harsh chemicals that we used to use. It is adorable that our six-year-old son gets so excited about Norwex and about having his own tools to clean without chemicals. Not having poison on our fixtures and going down our drains to somewhere in the earth is a good feeling. Better yet, our family and friends are becoming more and more excited about using Norwex and creating a healthier environment for their own families. How wonderful is it to be able to share something like being healthier with people?

Thank you for the opportunity to share, and thank you to those who took the time to read this. 8^)

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8 years ago

Loved your story!

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

Great stories!!! <3