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Plastic in the Dishwasher? I Don’t Think So

Plastic in the Dishwasher? I Don’t Think So

Chlorine’s Not a Good Choice Either!

Do you ever have dishwasher confusion? In other words, you’re not sure if something should go on the top rack or the bottom—or if it can even go in the dishwasher at all?

These handy reminders can help bring some clarity to the situation:

  • “When in doubt, leave it out!” In other words if you’re not sure, then wash the item by hand. You’d hate to ruin a piece of fine china by accidentally chipping it in the wash cycle.
  • See Martha Stewart’s complete list of dishwasher no-no’s here.
  • Note that she specifies “disposable plastics not labeled dishwasher safe” shouldn’t go in the dishwasher. However, just to be extra safe, I never put any kind of plastic in the dishwasher—that way I avoid any harmful chemicals that might be prone to leaching out.
  • I especially appreciated Martha’s tip about making sure your detergent doesn’t contain chlorine. Please note that chlorine is sometimes also referred to as “sodium hypochlorite” or “hypochlorite” so watch out for those terms on product labels.
  • Why is chlorine in the dishwasher a problem? Doesn’t it just rinse off? Here’s what I learned: The chlorine in dishwasher detergents (and laundry detergents too) can actually lead to air pollution in your home. The chlorinated water undergoes a process called volatilization, where the chlorine molecules are transferred into the surrounding air. When you open your dishwasher, if you smell that bleachy smell, those chemicals are probably getting into your lungs.

As for where to place items in your dishwasher, PopularMechanics.com has some good advice:

  • Use the lower rack for plates, large bowls, pots and pans. The upper rack is for glasses, cups and utensils. Put your silverware in the silverware rack (duh), along with your measuring spoons and small utensils.
  • And this was news to me, but you don’t necessarily have to load your dishes facing toward the center. Just make sure not to block the rotating spray arms, don’t block the detergent dispenser door and make sure your dishes don’t touch or overlap one another.
comment_2Do you have more good advice for loading the dishwasher to get dishes their cleanest? Our readers want to know! Please share your thoughts in the comments below.


You can wash plastic items in the top rack of the dishwasher.

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Bernadette Kiser
Bernadette Kiser
5 years ago

Hi Amy,

I read Martha’s article to say that “disposable plastics not labeled dishwasher safe” are on the NEVER put in the dishwasher list….

Am I misreading somewhere?

5 years ago

Good catch, Bernadette, thank you! We have corrected the blog to read accordingly.

Janet Piselli
Janet Piselli
5 years ago

I need to check my detergent for chlorine. I try to never put plastics in the dishwasher but my hubby and stepson has other ideas!

5 years ago

We have cut down our overall use of plastics but in the event I do wash them, I put them only in the top rack only. I also switched to Method soap.

5 years ago

So, at the end of life cycle of Norwex fiber cloth which is made of recycled plastic, how would one dispose of such items? Like plastic bottles do they lay around in landfills for hundreds of years; or is there a recycling program somewhere? Thank you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Judi

Judi, thanks for your great question! When your well-used Norwex Microfiber product reaches the end of its life, don’t throw it out. Instead, give it a fitting end with our Microfiber Recycling Program, which partners with a company to convert waste into renewable energy. This program generates clean, renewable energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. For more information about how to recycle Norwex Microfiber products, please contact your Norwex Consultant.

Kayla Barland
Kayla Barland
4 years ago

Things I need to read more often!
New to Norwex and I can’t believe all the facts I’m ready!
Love that this is all in one spot!
Thank you for all the articles with information on how to save ourselves and the planet!

4 years ago
Reply to  Kayla Barland

Welcome to Norwex, Kayla! We are so glad you’re part of the Norwex Family and a Norwex Movement member. Thanks for your comment and for all you’re doing to make your home, and our world, a safer place.

Jacqueline Morris
3 years ago

So thankful for the dishwasher duo. Love how it washed both my dishes and washer at the same time.