Welcome to the Norwex Movement

How to Create an Effective Game Plan [Video]


Norwex Chief Marketing Officer Amy Cadora and Director of Online Marketing Teresa Kulupka share the secrets of creating an effective game plan as they bring you the exciting updates on our Norwex Community Project.

You’re Practically There!

Well done, Norwex Movement members! You’re well into planning your very own community outreach/awareness project! And we couldn’t be more proud of you!

You’re making a difference already, just by thinking about how you can reach out to others! You’re passionate about something, and you want to let others know. You’ve got some people who are willing to help, and you know what their talents and strengths are. You know what you hope to accomplish, and whom you want to reach.

Now, let’s keep this wonderful momentum going by creating a game plan that can help serve as your roadmap to success. Remember to stay flexible and accept any little “happy accidents” that come up along the way. As Amy shared in the video, they could mean even greater success for you in the long run!

Step 1: Create Your Timeline

Starting with a timeline helps you stay accountable and on schedule. It makes sense, and it’s not hard to do at all—it’s basically just a matter of listing all your project’s touchpoints and milestones from start to finish on either a piece of paper or a calendar.

We know it can sometimes be a little tricky to know exactly where to start. So we have a suggestion: Start at the end.

Start by writing down your project’s culminating event—the “thing you will accomplish”—alongside the date you want to accomplish it by.


Norwex Movement Game Plan

For our corporate event, it started out looking like this:

By listing our goal statement, target audience, and target date, we had all we need to get started thinking about how to make it happen—in other words, our game plan.

Next Steps

Back up from your target date to fill in your calendar with all the steps necessary to make your goal achievable:

  • For our Norwex Movement project, we wanted to contact the Coppell Chamber of Commerce to make sure that our original date of October 14 would work. Since we didn’t know how far out the Coppell Chamber of Commerce plans its schedule, we would have contacted them fairly soon, say June 30, to ask for a meeting.
  • For our meeting with business leaders, we would have come prepared with the “reasons why” our goal is important, and painted the picture of its importance not just for Norwex, but for all our surrounding Coppell community businesses.
  • We would have determined our spokesperson (probably either me, or perhaps Kristi, our CEO; or maybe TK, our Director of Online Marketing). We would have then made sure whomever we selected would have been available on the original target date of October 14.
  • We would have probably wanted to give our audience a “leave behind” piece (usually a flyer) to help drive our points home and to help ensure that our target audience of business leaders came onboard with us in support of our goal—and that they remembered it going forward.
  • Knowing we would have needed to create a flyer, we would have begun designing and writing it well before the October 14 original target date. So we would have penciled in a completion date of October 1, in order to begin writing it by no later than September 1. This would have given us time to make any adjustments.
  • Since we know that our target audience is Coppell business leaders, we would have begun researching area businesses in order to glean nuggets of wisdom about how best to appeal to them. And because we were slated to begin writing our flyer by September 1, we would have penciled research to begin July 15.

See how starting with the end goal helps you work backward in order to know how and where to begin?


Getting Started

Once all your deliverables are listed, you can then begin to assign tasks to various members of your team, based on their strengths. Be available to answer any questions, and don’t forget to follow up with your team members regularly to check progress.

Our Norwex Movement timeline would eventually include plans for subsequent outreach steps after our initial meeting with local business leaders. At that point, we hope to actually bring these leaders onto our team and work with them to spread awareness within and beyond their own businesses.

Stay Flexible

As Amy stated and like most everything else having to do with your outreach project, you’ll want to stay flexible when it comes to your game plan, too. Give yourself plenty of time, and build a cushion in case something changes direction or maybe doesn’t happen exactly according to plan.

Don’t forget to communicate any schedule changes to your teammates. Keeping everyone on the same page helps them feel valued and connected.

Most of all, have fun and be proud of the fact that you and your team are truly making a difference!

chasing_iconChasing Failure VideoWatch Chasing Failure, the video about a young man named Ryan Leak, who decided to try out for the NBA. It’s mind-boggling how far you can go if you’re not afraid to fail!

Norwex Movement Social MediaOur outreach projects are coming together! Use these hashtags on your social media to tell the world:

  • NorwexMovement
  • MakingADifference
comment_2How’s your outreach project going? Do you have successes to report—or challenges? We’re all in this together and we’d love to hear from you! Just drop us a line in the comment section below.

Chasing Failure: Watch The Film

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Leah Rissien
Leah Rissien
8 years ago

Love including the next generation in all the outreach!

Marsha Jaramillo
Marsha Jaramillo
8 years ago

I have 8 million like minded friends around the world that are united in keeping the earth clean and safe for our future.

Jennifer Rottman
Jennifer Rottman
6 years ago

This is a great article and video to help with getting an outreach project going!

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

OMG, this is great! I want to get involved!!!!!!!!