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Exploring Our Passion: Norwex Movement Community Project

Exploring Our Passion: Norwex Movement Community Project
Exploring Our Passion

Our Community Project is starting to take shape! As I talked about in my Feb. 16 blog, one of the first things to think about in creating any awareness project is to be sure you’re passionate about it. Before I can expect others to jump on board with me about any particular cause or issue, I need to first take a look inward and make certain that I am truly “all in” about that issue myself. After all, I can’t expect anyone else to join the cause if I am not fully invested in it too!

So, in brainstorming which topic our Home Office Community Awareness Project should focus on, our Norwex Movement staff and I came up with several issues that we all feel strongly about:

Potential Topics and Passion Statements for our Norwex Movement Home Office Community Awareness Project (in no particular order):

1. Reducing plastics in the environment. Our partnership with The Washed Ashore Project has helped make this important issue a very personal one for us. Our passion statement for this topic might be: “We are committed to creating awareness about the problem of plastic pollution and helping others live more sustainably.”

2. Clean water. Sadly, millions worldwide remain without access to this basic human need. Our passion statement might be, “We recognize the need for everyone to have access to clean drinking water and are committed to helping to turn this goal into reality.”

3. Reducing chemicals in the environment, in our homes and in our bodies. Of course, this is in complete alignment with the Norwex Mission and one we all feel passionately about. Our passion statement might be, “We are committed to improving quality of life and radically reducing chemicals in our homes—and teaching others how to.”

4. Reducing waste. As landfill space continues to dwindle, finding ways to generate less waste in the first place is becoming even more important. “We are passionate about reducing waste in our community and will share steps for waste reduction with those around us,” could be our passion statement.

5. Healthy living. This could include a variety of issues like working from home, reducing our carbon footprint, living more sustainably, etc. One example of our passion statement could be, “We’re committed to sharing the benefits of a healthier lifestyle with those around us.”

6. Healthy families. Creating a lasting legacy starts at home—teaching our kids and grandchildren healthy habits benefits everyone. “We’re passionate about creating healthier families in our community,” is a good start.

7. Healthy eating. This could include teaching others about the benefits of locally grown produce, as well as the pitfalls of pesticides. Our passion statement could be, “We’re committed to sharing the benefits of healthy eating and ways to help your family avoid pesticides.”

8. Community involvement. Everyone benefits when we actively seek opportunities to strengthen our community. In fact, that is one of the goals of our Community Awareness Project! “We’re passionate about helping our community through ongoing charitable initiatives,” is a good example of a passion statement for this topic.

9. Volunteering. While volunteering can benefit others, it can also benefit the volunteer through the development of skills like problem-solving, working with others and leadership. Our passion statement could be, “We’re passionate about filling needs in our community while also strengthening the skill set of our team members.”

Our team will continue to meet over the next few days to select and refine our topic and passion statement. Going forward, we’ll provide tips and suggestions for sharing your message, as we come up with ways to share ours.

But before we get to all that, I want to know: How about you?

Have you come up with your passion statement? Think of it as your “reason why”—your battle cry to rally around going forward.

I want to leave you with a little note of encouragement. If the thought of an awareness project seems a little scary, that’s OK. To quote fellow blogger Corrina Gordon-Barnes at themuse.com, “The path of passion is where you do things that scare you enough, without leaving you in a constant state of fear. Expand your comfort zone, rather than leaving it.” Great advice!

comment_2I’d love to know what you’re passionate about! Please share your passion statement in the Comment section below.

The Muse: 6 Fresh Ways to Find Your Passion

polar_bearInternational Polar Bear Day – Saturday, February 27
In support of our mission of reducing chemicals and plastics in the environment, Norwex Movement wishes you a happy International Polar Bear Day!



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Chrissy Cacciatore Frey
Chrissy Cacciatore Frey
8 years ago

My newest passion is to spend more QUALITY time with my kids- because this is really fuels my energy levels. As our school had developed new curriculum objectives in the past few years, one of the objectives is to have every third grader complete a simple community service project. Each student had to pick a non profit and develop a plan to raise money and then go to that agency and donate either money or material donations. My son picked the Animal Protective League of Cleveland. In turn, when we went to visit to drop off our donations, we realized that we could volunteer as a team in their Pet Partners program. What a great way to give back to our community and spend Quality time together where we can both learn some valuable life lessons about caring for others in our community, having compassion for people who may be experiencing hardship, responsibilities of caring, and just a great opportunity for us to talk about life. I can’t wait to start!

8 years ago

Thanks for your reply, Chrissy, and kudos to you and your son for your caring compassion. What a great way to spend quality time together as you volunteer in the Pet Partners program! Keep us posted on the fun you have and the lessons learned. Enjoy!

Sara Claiborne
Sara Claiborne
8 years ago

I am just now discovering my passion for reducing chemicals… especially in our food. This goes along with the “healthy living” description too. I have recently been going through lifestyle changes to build healthy habits with my food choices. It is amazing how different my body feels! My husband and I both grew up with mostly unhealthy diets, but still very active. Our goal as new parents is to raise our children with a good understanding of real, healthy foods that will serve them well.

Gabriela Arguello
Gabriela Arguello
7 years ago
Reply to  Sara Claiborne

I would like to read more info on how you made changes in incorporating a healthier way of life when it. Come to eating.

Donna Massari
Donna Massari
8 years ago

this is another great commentary! totally agree with everything and will be working hard to instill these values, not only to better myself, but in my family too!

Amy Hepfner
Amy Hepfner
8 years ago

I grew up in a household in the 60’s that was reducing, reusing, recycling, repurposing and composting long before it became vogue. We had 2 large gardens, my dad fished in the river behind our house and we got our meat from friend’s and family farms. I have buttons, zippers and lace taken off clothes that my grandparents and great-grand parents wore. My husband was not so blessed. Last year he watched a movie “OMG GMO” and it changed him. Now we plant our gardens with chemical free non-GMO seeds. We use no growth chemicals and we compost instead. He also used to be resistant in using Norwex but is now coming on board. I guess I would have to say after being married to him for 29 years, my renewed passion is to convert him to a greener way of thinking.

Carolyn Mason
Carolyn Mason
8 years ago

My passion is helping to reduce my spouse’s asthma and allergy symptoms. Norwex products have helped me do this in several ways which has made me passionate in turn about sharing the products with others

8 years ago

Thanks for sharing, Amy. What wonderful childhood memories and lessons that have served you and your family well. Congrats on keeping that lasting legacy rippling out into the future!

Stephanie Cosgrove
Stephanie Cosgrove
8 years ago

I love the passion Norwex brings to these passions. Everyone should aim to have these same passions.

Hope Beach
Hope Beach
8 years ago

Reducing toxins in my body and in my home.

sarah Brown
sarah Brown
8 years ago

I am part of a childhood cancer awareness team. We have held bone marrow drives, community awareness days, family fun days, fundraising events and a brave the shave event last October where we all shaved and donated our hair to Wigs for Kids. The rewards we gained far exceed the work we put in!

Rebecca Littlejohn
Rebecca Littlejohn
7 years ago

I am passionate about educating people & sharing information about all of the hazardous & harmful things we are purchasing, using & exposing ourselves to without knowledge of the effects.

Traci Hernandez
Traci Hernandez
7 years ago

My current passion is to not only reach a toxic free home but to teach my children to strive for one outside the home. I want to teach them to teach others about toxins in the environment and how to avoid them.

Carol Cross
Carol Cross
7 years ago

I have become much more attentive to the bad habits I allowed myself to do, while raising our 5 children…by using “convenience” items…or recycling when I trusted that they actually are being recycled and helping the environment…I am reading labels so much more…caring about what is in them…for me and my family….but now when I go out to eat…I see the waitresses using unclean cloths with chemicals to “CLEAN” your table from the people that just left it before you sat there…and I get this terrible feeling…or I visit a friend, recovering from CANCER and see as I help her move into a new apartment…that so much of what she uses in the bathroom and kitchen, has so much chemical ingredients! We as consumers, really do NOT know what we are using or why…or how they are made or where they come from..we TRUST companies to care about us…and most of them DO NOT CARE…except for the $MONEY$ they make from us consumers! That anger feeling has given me a passion to fight it on what ever level I can!… Read more »

Susan Simms
Susan Simms
7 years ago

I am using the 5 R’s in everyday life and passing this down to my kids and grandkids. Living out what I am trying to do and passing this along to friends and family. Refusing to use straws, plastic bags, throw away dishes, napkins, paper towels and remembering what my grandparents would have used. Try an old remedy instead of medications! Use less, think before I buy and make less food or use leftovers! I also gave up on dying my hair and using makeup! God made me this way and I am good with that!

Felicia Torchia
Felicia Torchia
7 years ago

I am passionately committed to taking one small conscious choice at a time towards chemical free and sustainable living! 🙂 I am passionately committed to sharing this goal with my family, friends, and EVERYONE!! 🙂 🙂 I am passionately committed to BELIEVING that WE, one person at a time, can change the world and restore it to everything GOOD that it was meant to be from the beginning!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

7 years ago

Thank you, Felicia! It is absolutely heart-warming (and so important) to see your passion! Thanks for sharing, and for your encouragement—together, we CAN make a difference!

Felicia Torchia
Felicia Torchia
7 years ago
Reply to  Moderator

🙂 xoxo 🙂

Ivy Jones
Ivy Jones
6 years ago

I am so excited for this opportunity! I have been watching videos for the last 2 hours!

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

My passion that I focusing on going into 2018 is to make my home TRULY a safe haven for my family!

Christy Balch
Christy Balch
6 years ago

I am passionate about living well and being thankful for all God has given us. This includes being good stewards of resources and our planet! Love that Norwex helps me do all that!!

3 years ago

My passion is on Family, Health, & our Environment! With Norwex I’m able to reduce harmful chemical use in my home, which will improve my families health. Using sustainable products to help reduce waste along with using recycled materials. I’m passionate about sharing my passion with my community, The Nana Region, & throughout Alaska!