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The Buddy Bench: How an 8-Year-Old Is Reaching Out

The Buddy Bench: How an 8-Year-Old Is Reaching Out

The Buddy Bench Reduces Plastic and Loneliness

Can an eight-year-old make a difference in the world? I was recently privileged to learn that not only is one particular little girl making a difference at her school, but she’s also making a difference regarding the problem of plastic pollution.

Recently Norwex Sales Consultant Heidi Vance wrote to us to share the unique way her daughter Samantha is tackling the problem of loneliness that she witnessed on her school’s playground.Norwex Sales Consultant Heidi's Daughter Samantha

It’s called a buddy bench, and it’s made of 400 pounds of repurposed plastic bottle caps. Samantha describes it like this: “If somebody’s lonely they can sit on the buddy bench and somebody can come up to them and they can play together and make new friends,” she says. “I know a lot of people who are lonely and they don’t have really any friends, and new people to the school they could use it and I would use it too.”

The best part? Samantha’s basically helping to solve two problems at the same time, since her bench is made from recycled plastic. This amazing little girl now has people from her community and beyond involved in collecting the caps needed to create the six-foot bench. Or should I say “benches,” because since she started this project Samantha and her team have collected enough bottle caps for three benches and are now working toward a fourth!Bottle Caps

“The possibilities seem endless. In addition, the goal has always been to help other schools raise caps for buddy benches too,” says her mom, Heidi.

Our hardiest congrats go out to Samantha, Heidi and everyone involved. Just one more bit of proof that small, conscious choices really can make a big difference—on a playground and throughout the world.

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Heather Wiese
Heather Wiese
6 years ago

Kids always have great ideas to move communities forward. Kudos to Ms Samantha on her vision and tangible result!

Angie Scott
Angie Scott
6 years ago

I heard over the holiday weekend that recycling caps (I don’t know if it’s just “on” the container or in general) can be problematic for our typical curbside pickup. So in some ways, it seems this young lady has found a way to curb that issue too 🙂

Kelly Fraga
Kelly Fraga
6 years ago

What a wonderful and uplifting idea and project! Would love to see this spread to many other schools and communities.

Leigh-Ann Ross
Leigh-Ann Ross
6 years ago

I love everything about this!!

Jack Morris
Jack Morris
6 years ago

Great idea Samantha! Thank you for following through with your idea.

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

What a heartwarming story!! Way to go Samantha! <3

Linda Watson
Linda Watson
6 years ago

Samantha’s parents must be soooo proud!! What a great role model she is for her schoolmates!! Congratulations Samantha on your determination to not only help the environment, but to make what could be a HUGE difference in the lives of newcomers and/or the children having trouble making friends. You are an inspiration!

France Mazerolle
France Mazerolle
6 years ago

Beautiful story Samantha, you rock hard!!! My heart’s all warmed up!! <3

Sandi Grad
Sandi Grad
4 years ago

I love the Buddy Bench idea. Very industrious of her <3