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How to Make Your House LOOK Clean in 5 Minutes

How to Make Your House LOOK Clean in 5 Minutes

Guests on the Way? Get Your Place Spiffed Up Fast!

We all know you should take a few minutes each day to clean up around the house to avoid having to clean for hours. But sometimes you can be caught by surprise by a call that someone is on their way over.

Don’t panic!

  1. Take a look at what the most obvious messes are from your soon-to-arrive guests’ point of view. Start at the front door, look around and follow the path you think they will take.
  2. Pick three surfaces to clean, grab a high-quality microfiber dusting cloth. You can keep the cloth in one hand while you pick up with the other.
  3. Declutter
    • Grab a garbage bag or a basket.
    • Pick up misplaced items, trash or recycling and put them in your bag; don’t worry about sorting now.
    • Move things like toasters and other appliances that you aren’t using to a cabinet, wipe off the counter then move on.
  4. Straighten and fluff pillows
  5. Stack coffee table clutter so it looks more organized.
  6. If you have a few minutes to spare, try these tips to make your home feel more cozy:

  7. Flip the blinds to hide any dust
  8. Turn off overhead lights and turn on table lamps
  9. Diffuse some essential oils or light a candle

And if you don’t have time to put away, just toss everything in the master bedroom—no one will go in there if the door is closed!

Good Luck!

comment_2Have you ever had to clean your house really quickly because you knew guests would be stopping by? We’d love to hear your tips and advice! Please share your comments below.


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Bonnie MacNeil
Bonnie MacNeil
5 years ago

DIrty dishes hide in the oven. Dirty clothes in the dryer. Lol

Dianne Miller
Dianne Miller
5 years ago

I think a quick bathroom wipedown should be added to the list.

Mel Mealey
Mel Mealey
5 years ago

I have sooo used the “throw everything in the bedroom and shut the door” method before! Lol Love these quick ideas!

Tanya Aoyagi
Tanya Aoyagi
5 years ago

I love this!! Cupboards and cleaning closets are great for quickly hiding clutter, and everyone knows that you don’t go in a friend’s bedroom if the door is closed! 🙂
We’ve also learned to accept that with 3 kids, we will have toys and art supplies out, so I focus on actual mess in my kitchen and bathroom, then do a quick dry mop of my floor if I have time.

5 years ago

Love these great ideas! Thank you all for sharing!

Karen Codrington
Karen Codrington
5 years ago

He he ..this is so true it is funny! lol

Amy Pope
Amy Pope
5 years ago

However, my mom’s motto was always, those who matter don’t mind and those that mind, don’t matter. He he he

Taylor Bishop
Taylor Bishop
5 years ago

Thanks for this advice for cleaning a house. I’m glad you mentioned that you should try to pick three surfaces to clean and use a microfiber dusting cloth. I’m kind of interested to learn if you should clean the cloth after you use it for one surface or if you can use it for all of them in one go.