Chemicals such as BPA in plastic have received an enormous amount of media exposure because of their harmful effects on our bodies and the environment, but it’s even more important now to look for safer alternatives.
A recent study suggests that the long-held assumption that BPA breaks down safely in the body is inaccurate, and researchers now believe that the body transforms the chemical into a compound that may cause further health issues such as obesity.
One safe alternative you can look to is silicone, a chemically non-reactive and heat-resistant material that is considered to be significantly safer, as it doesn’t leach into food and water like plastic does.
Silicone is a synthetic polymer that is made of silicon and oxygen. It’s extremely versatile and is used in everything from beauty products to electronics It’s also quite useful in the form of kitchenware such as cake pans, baking mats and food storage containers because it’s nonstick and has a great track record when it comes to food safety.
Plastic bottles, bags and even plastic wrap can be found everywhere around our homes, and for some, it’s difficult to avoid using them. Plastic, however, is damaging our bodies as we absorb BPA and other chemicals into our systems, which can lead to many health issues.
With roughly 22 billion plastic water bottles discarded around the world every year, those same toxic chemicals are being released into the environment as well, and are endangering marine life, ending up in landfills, and polluting our beautiful oceans.
Plastic may be more convenient at times, but making a simple switch like replacing plastic water bottles with reusable silicone water bottles, or using silicone food storage containers instead of plastic containers, can be very beneficial to your health, your family’s health, and to the environment, both now and in the long run.
Do you have any thoughts on using silicone products in your everyday life? Please feel free to share in the comment section below!
Environmental Health News: Do our bodies safely break down BPA?
The Soft Landing: What is Silicone and is it Toxic?
Mindful Momma: Spotlight on Silicone
We started replacing all of our plastic bottles and food storage containers with glass a couple of years ago. I’ve struggled to find kids size water bottles made with glass or aluminum. I didn’t think of silicone. I like the idea of that because they would be light weight too. I’d really like to see Norwex develop kids cups. I let my kids use glass cups at the table, but occasionally one breaks.
Great information!
I enjoyed this informative article. We have been purchasing bottled water for years, mainly because i tend to drink more water (room temp) when its ready to go and handy. Do you have any suggestions on how i may maintain my H20 intake if i purchase a silicone bottle? Right from tap does not taste the same to me.
EnviroHarmFree…. Have you seen the Norwex Water Filtration System? It’s a BPA free water pitcher that filters water and it tastes great! You could fill up silicone or stainless steel bottles for on the go. Wow… you would save a lot of $ over buying bottled water!
Not sure how you came across RACE, but through Norwex we have a water filtrating system that is like no other! You can get a couple bottles pre fill them am and grab them as you go. You will save money on the bottles of water you are buying now, and will help produce a lot less waste! I would love to help you get started, you can contact me here…
I was at a party and chatting about the silicone lids that Norwex offers and someone mentioned- well, yeah- but these are plastic too. Now I know why silicone is better (other than the obvious choice of being reusable!) I’d love to know where to find some silicone water bottles for kids!
I switched to glass bottles when I started using essential oils. I’ve never seen silicone bottles but those look cool.
I was so excited when Norwex brought out the Silicone Lids! FINALLY, I could stop using Cling Wrap! I often make our evening meals in the afternoon, then cover them and pop them in the fridge (as I work nights) – this was the last thing in the house for which I needed Cling Wrap, and now I don’t need to buy it at all! Woohoo!
So good to know – I assumed that the silicone was plastic too. This makes it easier to share with my parties.
Do you know if Tupperware is safe to use or does it contain BPA? Thank you
here’s what i found on their website
Great information
I use a ton of glass. I use a stainless steel water bottle. I use some silicone for baking. So far I haven’t heard any concerns with silicone. 🙂
I was surprised when Norwex came out with the silicone lid, as I tend to equate silicone with plastic. This blog helped alleviate my concerns over silicone. I use glass as much as possible but am not comfortable with the glass “to go” bottles due to breakage. Switching to silicone bottles and going to try the silicone lid!
Out of curiosity, can silicone be recycled?
Silicone does not biodegrade or decompose. It is recyclable, but not likely through your local municipal recycling program. You likely would have to take it to a specialized private recycling facility.
I love Norwex silicone lids! The new cup lids are what nudged my husband into the amazing benefits of silicone lids! Plus I made too much popcorn and kept it fresh in the serving bowl by using the large silicone lid. Win!!
I will certainly look for silicone bottles. They would be great for the kids to take in their lunch boxes.
I’ve started using silicone lids to cover my dishes with instead of plastic wrap.
I am old fashioned and still use ice cube trays and not the automatic ice machine in the refridge. I’d like to have silicone ones to replace the plastic.
little by little, making the change. Also changing the minds of others.
wish everyone would delete plastics from their homes.
I love everything made of silicone!! Do you know if it is safe to use essential oils on silicone?
That’s a good question, thanks Jessica. From everything I’ve read, it may be best to stick with glass.
I am a big fan of silicone! I use it a lot in my kitchen…
We have replaced all of our plastic food storage containers with glass or silicone. I now only use real dishes and real silverware whenever I have a gathering at my home. I use the Norwex water filtration system instead of drinking from plastic bottles and carry a metal Norwex or silicone water bottle with when I’m not at home!
Patricia, that’s great!! You are making a difference and leading the way for others. Keep up the good work, and thanks for being a Norwex Movement member.