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What’s Not to Love about Bleach


Bleach Beware!

When it comes to household cleaning, bleach is not your best choice. Bleach is a strong, corrosive material that can irritate your eyes, skin and respiratory tract just by inhaling it. And it’s even more dangerous if you mix it with other cleaners.

Did you know mixing bleach with other cleaners was dangerous?

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Mary Holmes
Mary Holmes
7 years ago

So thankful for all the educating this company does. Can never say enough about how the use of precious water can do everything with out chemicals.

Tanya Aoyagi
Tanya Aoyagi
7 years ago

I’ve had friends get super sick from mixing bleach with a cleaner in their bathrooms. Sooo dangerous! Thank you for this!

3 years ago
Reply to  Tanya Aoyagi

My mom mixed bleach and dawn dish soap one time. We had to leave the house. I remember how it even smoked up our kitchen and the fumes from it was horrible.

Erica Mudd
Erica Mudd
7 years ago

I’m highly sensitive to the smell of bleach. I had to have a chest X-ray and they had wiped down the room with bleach just before I came in. The smell was so strong she couldn’t close the door. It was causing me to not be able to breathe and start to black out.

7 years ago

I recently spoke with a woman who uses 1/2 cup of beech in her bath water, per doctors instructions, to calm down her eczema. She tries to convince me how good it is for her, I’m says that makes your skin feel better. I don’t see how.

Leah Rissien
Leah Rissien
7 years ago

I do not miss bleach at all. This information validates my choice to get it out of my house altogether!

7 years ago
Reply to  Leah Rissien

Leah, we agree completely. Better safe than sorry!

DeAnn Coan
DeAnn Coan
7 years ago

My sister damaged her lungs a few years ago while using g bleach to clean her shower. She ended up in the ER and now she is hyper sensitive to bleach and now she gets bronchitis very easily.

Hope Beach
Hope Beach
7 years ago

Say no to bleach!

JoAnne Gill
JoAnne Gill
7 years ago

Old habit to use bleach for whites, but I’m willing to break it for my health.

7 years ago
Reply to  JoAnne Gill

Thanks JoAnne! We know your health will thank you too!

Jessica Johnson
Jessica Johnson
7 years ago

I can’t believe how much stuff u can clean with just a Norwex enviroclith and water can do

Loretta Goodridge
Loretta Goodridge
7 years ago

Since becoming aware of Norwex, I don’t use bleach.

Jennifer Rottman
Jennifer Rottman
6 years ago

I have stopped purchasing bleach a month ago. I do not have a need. I have found baking soda works great in the whites.

Jennifer Rottman
Jennifer Rottman
6 years ago

I quit using bleach products a few months ago. I am glad I no longer need to worry about that product being in my house with my kids.

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

We have completely booted bleach from our home!