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3 Cleaning Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making

3 Cleaning Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making

It isn’t always easy to find time to clean around the house, but when I do have time, I like to be efficient as well as eco-friendly, so I did some research and discovered some cleaning mistakes that many people (including myself) probably make without even realizing it, and what we can do to avoid them.

no_1Changing Sheets Once a Month

One of the great joys in life is lying in a bed covered in warm, freshly cleaned sheets.

However, bed sheets can get dirty quickly and often. Things like saliva and sweat, as well as the natural oils our skin secretes, all contribute to bacteria growth on our beds. In addition, if you happen to eat or drink in bed or let your pets sleep with you, you are likely contaminating your sheets while inviting things like dust mites and insects to join you.

Many experts recommend changing bed sheets weekly, but there are some people who change their sheets only once a month (or longer)!

It’s highly advised that you change your sheets every week and wash them in hot water (around 120° –140° F) to kill lingering bacteria and dust mites.

no_2Leaving Food in the Fridge

It can be unpleasant to think about, but your fridge may be a hotbed of bacteria. All of the sticky juices and substances that are stuck in your fridge could actually be getting into the fresh food you just bought.

Studies have shown that roughly one-third of consumers don’t clean their fridge before filling it with more groceries, which could make your fresh foods go bad more quickly.

Your fresh foods don’t need to actually touch moldy food for the mold to spread. When the mold spores dry, they become airborne in order to reach the nearest and best conditions for them to thrive.

According to FoodSafety.gov, leftovers should not be stored in the fridge for more than four days to prevent food-borne illnesses. After four days, you and your family could be at risk of consuming contaminated food that could cause food poisoning.

If the thought of cleaning your fridge is daunting, try cleaning one shelf at a time, so it doesn’t seem as overwhelming. To help you clean safely and naturally, try using a damp microfiber cloth on the moldy, gooey or sticky surfaces in your fridge, and keep your foods fresh and safe for your family!

no_3Not Dusting Around the House

It can be easy to overlook since it’s hard to spot everywhere, but the collection of dust and dust mites around your home could be harming your family’s health.

You might not realize it, but dust in the air and on the surfaces in your house could cause health issues such as allergies and asthma. Those issues can often become worse if dust is just wiped or brushed off into the air, instead of being carefully and thoroughly removed.

Some people resort to commercial dusting sprays to help remove dust, but many of those sprays contain toxic ingredients that can be harmful to you and your family’s health.

To help keep your home dust-free and free of dangerous chemicals, try using tools that will actually grab the dust, instead of just moving it around. For instance, try using a damp microfiber cloth to remove dust and allergens, and consider vacuuming around your home regularly to help keep it cleaner, for longer.

Can you think of any other cleaning mistakes people tend to make? I’d love to hear about them in the comment section below!


Wise Geek: Bed Sheets Facts
Huffington Post: Dust Mites in Your Bed? Allergens in Your Home? We Have Solutions!
The Wall Street Journal: Why Won’t Anyone Clean Me?
Making Healthy Choices: Dusting Tips

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8 years ago

Big No no vacuuming before dusting.

Carrie Minturn
Carrie Minturn
8 years ago

Okay…this article totally schooled me. Thanks for more education and motivation to get to these tasks that I so often avoid!

Christina Meekins
Christina Meekins
8 years ago
Reply to  Carrie Minturn

So we have an epic fail on the first two items on the list. And before Norwex, I totally failed the last one too. So thankful for the dust mitt that doesn’t send dust flying when you are trying to clean. Thanks for sharing this information Amy!

Jennifer Jones
Jennifer Jones
8 years ago

Yes only 3 mistakes but they are HUGE mistakes that are easily made! Thanks for these tips

Joan Acker
Joan Acker
8 years ago

Hate cleaning. Definitely some of the changes I want to make this year.

Ann Knick
Ann Knick
8 years ago

I needed to read these! All so simple but so easy to put off. Thank you!!

Jb Culbertson
Jb Culbertson
8 years ago

I love this blog! There are so many things we need to know & I appreciate you doing the research…JB Culbertson

8 years ago

Thanks for your comments. We love bringing reminders like these, to help us all create safer havens for ourselves and our families!

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

People don’t change their toothbrushes enough…especially electric toothbrushes since they tend to be more pricey. My dentist recommends replacing your toothbrush every 6 months.

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

Something women don’t realize is that along with using a good skin cleanser using a “good quality” face cloth can make a huge difference too! Our body wash cloth works great!

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

I use our medium sized bath towel to wrap around my hair when I get out of the shower.
It absorbs the water and really cuts down on my drying time which means less damage to my hair! (Note: Since my hair is pretty short I use the body towel instead of the turban…but highly recommend the hair turban for those with long or really thick hair! Especially when conditioning the hair and leaving it on for 15-20 min.)

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

I recently spent the holidays with my son and his family in San Diego. Since they live downtown in a condo they have to haul their groceries from the car to the elevator to the 4th floor. Laundry soaps and trips to the local warehouse can really make this a challenge with the size of their products. I suggested they order their cleaning products from Norwex and just have them “delivered”!

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

My husband has an office out of our home. Since vacuuming can be noisy I am now thrilled with my superior cleaning mop!! Not only does it not make “noise” but I don’t have to haul out my vacuum cleaner…makes cleaning the floors now so much quicker and “quieter”.

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

For Christmas I sent my daughter in law the mop sytem, dusting mitt, enviro coths and kitchen towels. While she is at work I always prepare a meal and help her out with laundry and household things so when she gets off work we have more “quality time together”. She loves it. After I left she sent me a text a couple weeks later…”OMG…I love these products….they save me so much time and do such a good job. I need to tell my friends at work!”

So that was a practical gift…but one that “keeps on giving” and helps out a young…busy

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

Ever since I have been a Norwex consultant I find my young grand children are now paying more attention to their rooms being more “clean” and products they are using around the house. Never under estimate how much kids enjoy cleaning if you just show them how.

8 years ago
Reply to  Theresa Smith

Thanks Theresa! We love the idea of creating a lasting legacy by involving our children and grandchildren. Keep up the good work!

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

My husband just refurbished a VW car and is very particular about keeping it clean. For Christmas I got him the enviro cloth and window cleaner. He has now told all of his “car buddies” about the cloths…maybe I’ll have some handy at car shows now!!! These guys LOVE to make their cars look shiny!!

Hope Beach
Hope Beach
8 years ago
Reply to  Theresa Smith

You should get him the car mitt, too!

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

Living near retirement communities when a senior attends a Norwex party they tend to be conservative on their purchases due to fixed incomes…but it turns out they can be your BEST customers once they try the towels. I explain to them the cost savings from buying paper towel and cleaning products not to mention it makes the cleaning job easier (something very important as we age!!!)

Theresa Smith
Theresa Smith
8 years ago

During a recent Norwex party one of my best customers couldn’t make it and I know she loves the products and would be a good testimonial so we arranged to have me make a quick call to her during the party and put her on speaker phone so guests could hear what she had to say about some of the products. Testimonials are wonderful and so many people these days make their buying decisions by “reading the reviews”!!

Karen Pilarski
Karen Pilarski
8 years ago

Love the blog!

Hope Beach
Hope Beach
8 years ago

Ugh….I’m guilty on all accounts. I have got to get better in taking care of my environment and my health!!! I hate changing my sheets so often because I feel like they still smell clean! Plus I spray some essential oils on my bed every morning to help with dust mites so I feel like I’m ok not changing every week. And I definitely hate cleaning my fridge too. I’m just a hot mess. I don’t like cleaning to begin with. It’s so easy with my Norwex products, I don’t know why I don’t just do it?!!

Karen Codrington
Karen Codrington
8 years ago

More things to add to my 2016 action list!

Beverly Cadiente
Beverly Cadiente
8 years ago

Shared to my friends and family as a reminder to be mindful of our daily routines to care for ourselves and the environment. Thanks!

Morgan Tidaback
Morgan Tidaback
8 years ago

Good little article to share with others!

Melissa Short
Melissa Short
8 years ago

I do need to get better with changing my sheets weekly, for sure!! I have a severe allergy to dust mites and our puppers lays on the comforter too. My fridge??? JUST UGH, lolol!! It’s a definite work in progress, but this info will help me do better.

sarah Brown
sarah Brown
8 years ago

I am guilty of changing sheets less than I should. I actually thought I was doing good by saving the energy to wash them. Live and learn 😉

Mary J.
Mary J.
7 years ago

You should always, always change your sheets and pillow cases weekly, no exceptions. Always change your toothbrush once per month and after you get a cold.

Lynn Thomas
Lynn Thomas
7 years ago

I don’t know anyone who likes to wash windows, but I have always used vinegar and water . What are your thoughts on this?

Stacy Lapso
Stacy Lapso
7 years ago
Reply to  Lynn Thomas

Hi Lynn! Ever since using Nowex, I LOVE to wash my windows! I know, sounds funny, but Norwex makes it so easy with the Envirocloth and Window cloth. I know some people do use vinegar, but it can still streak. Plus, my thought is- why use vinegar when you can just use water!

7 years ago

Don’t have to use any carpet cleaner but water….I boil a cup of water in microwave and take it out…when it stops boiling I pour it on the stain and blot it up with a cloth…..I always thought the hot water would set the stain but it doesn’t, it takes it out…just hot water!

Lisa Buysse
Lisa Buysse
7 years ago

Need to wash the sheets once a week now!

Debbie Polkowski
Debbie Polkowski
7 years ago

I really enjoyed this article, and I shared it in hopes others could learn from it as I did. I have made quite a few changes in the last month and there are several more I need to change as well.

Samantha Rose
Samantha Rose
7 years ago

I would add changing the furnace filter to this list!

Stacy Lapso
Stacy Lapso
7 years ago
Reply to  Samantha Rose

So much YES to this! We have terrible allergies in our house and struggle to remember to change them. I now have a reminder on my phone every few months. It makes such a difference.

7 years ago
Reply to  Samantha Rose

Thanks for the great reminder, Samantha!

Brittany Goodwin
Brittany Goodwin
7 years ago

I love using the dusting mitt, it makes dusting so simple and chemical free….

Jennifer Cygan
Jennifer Cygan
7 years ago

I need to change my sheets more often!

Alexandria Perone
Alexandria Perone
7 years ago

I’ve heard that you should blot a carpet stain, but I never knew why. Looks like I should change my technique!!

Trina Greer
Trina Greer
7 years ago

I definitely make some of these mistakes.

Christina Calhoun
Christina Calhoun
6 years ago

It may not seem like a big one, but sweeping before cleaning the kitchen counters!!

6 years ago

Good point, thanks Christina. Clean the counters first, and then you only have to sweep once!

Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

I need to clean my fridge out more! 🙁

6 years ago

Not actually disinfecting surfaces because they are either using the wrong product or not following the directions.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Jennifer, that is so true! Many people unknowingly add unnecessary chemicals to surfaces without even accomplishing the job they’re trying to do!

Ursula Hillukka
Ursula Hillukka
6 years ago

Can customers join this Movement blog or is it just for Consultants?

6 years ago

Hi Ursula, thanks for your question! Norwex Movement welcomes everyone (Norwex Consultant or not) who is interested in learning and sharing about living a little more sustainably and reducing chemicals in their homes and in the world. We love seeing our membership grow—it means that collectively, we’re making a difference! For more Movement membership benefits, visit http://www.norwexmovement.com/benefits-of-joining.

Jenna Gray
Jenna Gray
6 years ago

Not cleaning the inside of my car as often as I should, including my kids’ carseats.

Lynn Babcock
Lynn Babcock
6 years ago

I have routinely changed my bedsheets weekly for over 40 years and since dicovering Norwex’s Mattress Cleaner I now let the mattress and pillows air out longer than I was taught to do. I don’t wash the comforters as often however I do spray them as well then air them out for several hours. There is no need to bedding in hot water and hanging them to dry is more environmentally friendly and their is less wear and tear .As for dusting I have found that once I started using the Dusting Mitt and EnviroWand that over time dusting was required less often.

Marjorie Vale
Marjorie Vale
5 years ago

I wash my sheets each week. Love clean sheets, and fridge with enviro make it so easy!

Sandra Patterson
Sandra Patterson
5 years ago

Thank you for explaining what cleaning mistakes you can be making all the time. I know that I could be doing a lot more things on this list. I think I will invest in some new cleaning supplies as well!