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Earth Hour Is Almost Here: How Will You Celebrate?

Earth Hour Is Almost Here: How Will You Celebrate?

Employees Share from the Heart: What Norwex Means to Me

As the parent company of Norwex Movement, Norwex knows that safer, healthier homes for the families who live in them ultimately result in a safer and healthier world for us all.

On March 30, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. local time, many of us will observe Earth Hour in honor of our planet and our connection to nature. Generally, people will turn off their lights for this hour to show support for the Earth and to help raise awareness of the role of nature in our lives.

Earth Hour 2019

In celebration of Earth Hour 2019 (and Norwex’s upcoming 25th anniversary), several Norwex employees recently shared their thoughts and feelings about working for Norwex and supporting its Mission. Here are just a few of their responses:

What does Norwex mean to you?

To me NORWEX means the power of healthy living, healthy families and households. This company is goodness! The CORE VALUE has full meaning and in how I approach my day to day living. Nicole

I love working for a company that truly cares about our planet and works on making a difference every day. Our products are amazing and I love how much we care. #Happy25thAnniversary #Norwex25 Crystal

Norwex means positivity and hope for all that are motivated and inspired to make a difference, no matter how small. Whether it’s not using straws or volunteering to participate in a neighborhood cleanup, being aware of how our choices can make a difference. It can inspire others to change and take part in making our homes and the world a better place. Tam

To me, Norwex means innovation and commitment to protect our environment and future generations. Dalia

It means a lot less harsh chemical cleaners in my house. Mark

Norwex means “family” to me. Both my work family and my actual family. Carol

Norwex means that my household is clean and safe for me. I don’t have to worry about the dishes I use being clean enough because I use our Dishwashing Liquid. Arlette

My family is able to use Norwex products because they are free from harsh dyes and perfumes that we are allergic to! Jeremy

Norwex means “happiness”! I am happy to come to work and I am happy that our products are helping the environment. Carol

I love our Mission and I get to work with wonderful people! Linda

I find myself at home doing faux Norwex commercials while cleaning. There are so many great benefits to our products! #Happy25thAnniversary #Norwex25 LaTonya

I love it when my husband points out that he hasn’t had to buy paper towels nearly as much as he used to! (Working on eliminating these from the house entirely!) #Happy25thAnniversary #Norwex25 Crystal

We just moved from our apartment and Norwex products were a big help in getting everything clean! Bernie

It means that I am doing my small part to not pollute the planet with chemicals. Mark

I’m thankful for Norwex helping my home drastically reduce chemicals! Bernie

Norwex means love for my kids, me and the world… Svetlana

Norwex means a cleaner tomorrow! Carol

It means knowing that my kids and eventually my grandkids will have a little less pollution in their food, water, and lives. Mark

Earth Hour icon

How will you celebrate Earth Hour?

If you’re looking for ways to cut back on energy usage, lower your bills and reduce carbon emissions (all without spending a dime!) check out these 120 ideas from ovoenergy.com.

comment_2Thank you to the Norwex employees (many of whom are Norwex Movement members) who shared what Norwex means to them. Now it’s your turn. We want to know how Norwex has made a difference in the lives of our readers! Just leave a note in the comments below.


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Jessica Hartle
Jessica Hartle
5 years ago

Love seeing Norwex make such a difference in so many lives!